Discussion: Donald Trump, Pope Francis Tied For Americans' 2nd Most Admired Man

Trump had a big assist from his father Fred who started a real estate development company with his sister in 1927. Fred “lent” Donnie money to start his business later, and at 22 he joined the organization calling it The Trump Organization. There is nothing self made about this man. Too bad the rubes don’t know it.



The MSM is geared to old folks. FOX to hillbillies. The rest of us are spread out. By the way, in my opinion, that is one of FOX’s strengths: consolidation of the Derp audience.


Nothing more impressive than an endorsement from GOP Jar Jar

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My sister still believes he’s a self made man even though I’ve proven he’s not.

It’s true Conservatives will believe what they choose vs what is actually true.


What thread is it emiliano? Well we had a billionaire named Gore who chose to do nothing with his channel so I am not sure it will work since most of the media in this country have no intention of telling the truth but instead only care about ratings.


Amen to that. I have a family full of them. Disgusting - It’s call willful ignorance.


Perhaps The Lord is keeping a closer eye on The Donald than he may feel comfortable with knowing?


Unfortunately, their viewers are dying off or being installed at the Memory Lane unit at the local nursing home. The Help there will not allow Faux to be broadcast there. Satan has no intentions of providing the service at his Establishment either.

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Americans named Hillary Clinton the most admired woman in the world…

Where did Carly, Sarah, and Ann place?


Here is the post, word for word. (It was in a discussion over a reporter who resigned over Adelson subterfuge getting a $5,000 reward). The post:

Some of the new Millennial billionaires should be thinking about an alternative to FOX and the MSM

  • Gear it to address issues that people from 18-50 years of age face
  • Make it ecumenical in the sense that it spans educational levels, cultures, races and ethnic groups
    income levels, regions, etc.
  • Make it to focus on the public good…thus sponsors for programming will be those companies which
    are not 100% Bloodsuckers
  • Intersperse programming to make the network viable, economically
  • Employ real journalists. There are still a lot of them around.
  • Use the MSM as a template for what NOT TO DO******

More on this later. I will not give up talking about this

****** Much like some parents inspire their children as “role models” of what NOT TO DO


It took quite a bit to “prove” to Mom (since passed away, still sad) that Orly Taitz wasn’t a maligned heroine. That’s what Fox told her. Fortunately found enough conservative sites that declared her a nut job to swing that pendulum.

Pretty sure a sister is still in climate denial and a brother is railing against the CA El Niño due this winter. All liberal plots, you know.


Krispy Chris took 1st place as the American with the biggest tits.


Trump is Loser Losington from Loserville…

Conservatives have created a viable alternative reality for millions of Americans. They can do it for you, too. All you need to do is tune in to Faux Nooz daily…

Trump responded: “The Pope is a total loser!”

I think my ballot must have gotten lost in the mail. I never had a chance to vote. And it would have made a YOOOOGE difference.


Al Gore is a very wealthy man, but he’s far from a billionaire; his net worth is around $200 million.

Your larger point about Gore abandoning Current TV is unfortunately correct and depressing, but at the time he sold it to Al Jezeera, the network had failed to reach the market share originally envisioned. The hiring of the bombastic Keith Olbermann and Cenk Uygur was a mistake and failed to keep the struggling network alive.

One critical problem for Current was timing—it had planned on releasing an IPO in 2009, but the economy was in the dumper and the IPO was canceled. Who knows what might have happened if a successful IPO had brought in the financial support they’d been planning on?

The problem for Gore was one that faces any prospective progressive desiring to start a competitor to Fox today: it takes billions to get it off the ground, and most billionaires who aren’t in the media business already are going to have to drain whatever source of cash they’ve got to make it work. Rupert Murdoch started Fox with a lifelong career in media under his belt, and his vast media holdings guaranteed a steady flow of cash that he could pour into Fox, and it didn’t require him to learn a new set of skills in the process—he wasn’t an industrialist making physical goods who had to learn how to build a broadcasting/media network from the ground up.


The Pope and The Donald having exactly the same amount of natural occurring hair on their heads, I guess it’s just fair they are tied at second.

5% for both Trump and the Pope is like 5% voting for a triple bacon cheeseburger with extra bacon and cheese and another 5% voting for a bowl of straight oatmeal with no brown sugar, butter, cinnamon, or cream.

Americans are a bizarrely diverse lot.

But Trey Gowdy just endorsed Marco Rubio.

♫ It’s Gowdy Doody time
It’s Gowdy Doody time
Marco and Gowdy too
Show Gowdy’s ’do to you ♫