Discussion for article #225827
Yeah…and I might be the King of Siam.
I hear he wants to call the team the Schvoogies.
This is would be good news if The Donald was going to be a tackling dummy.
Based on his recent activity around the Trump Tower here in Chicago, the team will be called “Trump”, and the mascot will be “Trump”. Will they play in Trump Field?
Oh, please.
He’s pretending like he wants to buy the team, just like he pretends he wants to run for President. He’s looking for publicity.
Besides, Trump can’t afford it.
The Buffalo Birthers.
Have hated the Bills for decades. If Trump buys them, I can easily ratchet up the hatred.
The mascot will be that orange thing on top of Trump’s head.
Exactly. When Trump declined to run for president in 2012, Lawrence O’Donnell did a few pieces on Trump’s worth. IIRC Trump is worth a few hundred million, not billions. From what Lawrence explained, one of the many reasons he chose to stay at The Apprentice over running for president is because he’d be forced to reveal his net worth AND he needs the money he’d make doing The Apprentice.
I’ve been expecting this. Ever since Bud Adams, owner of the Tennessee Titans, carked a while back, there’s been a real need for a someone else with an empty soul to step up and buy an NFL franchise. Nature abhors a vaccuum, and all that.
So, he’ll move them to a middle of nowhere development plot in Florida, rename the team Trump, put them in gold lamé uniforms, and they will play in the Trump Coliseum (built with tax dollars, leased back to the state), which he will describe as the Ugest, most classiest venue the world has seen, gold-plated piss troughs and all. Oh, and the cheerleaders (the Trump Trophy Wives) will be middle-aged Hungarians - all surgically modified to look like your sister’s Barbie after you melted it with a magnifying glass.
Yeah, that’s what the world needs.
Yes, the emperor has no clothes. He tried to be a developer in the '80s and was always going broke. After that he learned how to properly grift - Other people fund it, and he gets a share and cash for the use of his name and design guidance (!?!?!?!?!?).
problem is, they will have to change the name to the “Buffalo Bulls”
The only team he might buy is in the Lingerie League.
Also, because Bills:
I hear he has a great relationship with the blacks.
OK, best team rename contest - the Trump Trumps is out of the running for being too obvious.
I’m going with the Buffalo Pizza Forks
Buffalo Chickensh*ts?
Buffalo Fatheads?
The NFL Apprentice?
I’m trying to envision what the players’ uniforms would look like with a massive yellow comb-over glued to the top of their helmets.
If he buys the Buffalo Bills, he can rename the team:
The Buffalo Comb Overs.