The Wikileaks cache of speech transcripts is such a nothingburger, but Fox is passing it off like the second coming because they’ve got nothing else aside from hurricane coverage.
The “pussy” tape sat in an NBC-owned vault did it not???
In the old real news media days, a media conglomerate sensing renewed cash potential in video tape reels burning company money in storage vaults would have examined those owned video properties a long time ago…unless the company is run by another Trump-esque idiot.
seems the only way is if Trump agrees to quit
- there is no mechanism to oust him - certainly not in the next 31 days.
I’ve been scared to death he’d withdraw. I can rest easy now. Better the devil you know.
I think centralasiaexpat was being snarky.
Um – I think your snark detector is malfunctioning.
Hey phoebes!
Thank you, Donny-boy. At this point, given all the blather about how much Hillary is hated, Helmet-Head Pence may be more of a threat than Drumpf.
Now we can focus on Trump’s Putin connection and any connection that may have with the very recent NSA-related arrests and, of course, the Russian hacks altogether.
Hey f-h!
Please proceed, a-hole.
In a normal election cycle with normal candidates that sort of statement would be what I would expect a candidate to say roughly a day before they withdraw form a race. This isn’t a normal election and The Donald is far from being a normal candidate, though. I really don’t know what he’ll do but, for the sake of the Democrats, I really hope he’ll stay in.
I’m actually somewhat worried that, if Trump drops out and is replaced by any other Republican, the Republicans will rally around that person and promote him as the “not Hillary” candidate. A couple of years ago someone I know who tends to be rather right wing told me “… the Republicans would have no trouble beating Hillary if they just didn’t run a candidate.”
I’m afraid he might be right.
Trump supporters booing Rep. in NV who is denouncing HO
/s – it helps people read intent.
a video of Trump crudely describing how he seduced women
That wasn’t a description of seduction (“the act of persuading someone to have sex with you”), it was a description of sexual assault.
I do not want you to withdraw, HO. I want to beat you like a broken drum!
Disown HO, lose the 35-40% of the electorate his base comprises.
Stick with HO, lose the 15-20% of the electorate outside the base you need to win.
Today: “I’d never withdraw in my life.”
Next Week: “I decided I can make more money on TV, so I don’t want to be President anymore.”
Next Year: “I never ran for President.”
Hope all those bedbugs in Trump Tower bite the bastard.
Heard Hugh Hewitt say that he is 100% anti-Hilary - at all cost
… and Hewitt’s assessment is that it looks like Trump can’t win
- so Hewitt is in favor of Trump stepping aside to give Pence a chance to beat Hilary.
So here we have Hugh Hewitt exposed as the no-conscience, scheming, devoid-of-ethics, opportunistic charlatan that he is - If Trump wasclearly likely to win - Trump could be engaging in bestiality in Macy’s window on live network TV and Hewitt would still support him - as long as he was going to beat Hilary. Hewitt would not say a word - the only reason that Hewitt wants Trump out now - is because it looks like Trump can’t win.
Hewitt has a serious case of ethical & moral bankruptcy