Discussion: Donald Trump: 'I’d Never Withdraw'

He is winning in Rasmussen Poll:

We can only imagine. . . .

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The Trumps are now trying to corner the Candy Market



Pan to Atlantic City, The Prequel.

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GOP - Grab Our Pussy


Donald is not a quitter. Personally, he is a loser, but he aims to win and will hold the nomination. Good, because he will likely lose and the Republicans are due a reckoning, some rumbling, and only then, will rise again unified. This will be a hard lesson for the Republicans which has been long overdue–self introspection.

I would hate to see Pence ride in on the ticket as a knight in a white shining armor and sweep up all the war torn Republicans when Pence is truly just as deplorable as Trump (Limbaugh’s guy) It would screw up the entire Clinton strategy to have to suddenly focus on just who the REAL Mike Pence is.

Republicans are just dying to get rid of Trump now that they have come to their senses. Talk about slow learners. It took the word “pussy” in front of their wives and daughters to make them run high tail? Seriously? A guy who would execute five innocent teenage boys never gave Trumpsters reason for shame in front of their own children? In Donald’s own words, “GIVE ME A BREAK!”

Oh you got that right. Lose to a girl by a landslide. And lose the House and Senate and many state chambers right down to dog catcher.

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A great line in a National Review piece this morning. If this is what he gets hit with when they’re 5% down just think of what HRC would’ve dropped on his head if they were 5% up.


He’s not going to be president. You can take that to the bank.

If anything, he’s a living indictment of the Republican party that has allowed him and his kind to get this far. And how far they will go to get it.

Somewhere, after all that blubber about fiscal responsibility, high moral character, bootstrappy gumption and rugged individualism. After those comments about the job creators and the 47% takers, after harping on President Clinton’s blowjobs, of being the party of God, Family and American Values, What did they give us as their Presidential nominee this year?

A dirty, lying, dodgy, ungrateful, backstabbing, throat-cutting, cheating, ne’er-do-well, mooching bum who has never worked an honest damn day in his life.

And there’s lots of Humble Pie to go around in the GOP. But there’s not enough vanilla ice cream and Reddi-Wip to choke it down with.

All in all, I think we’re going to see some changes in Congress too. Because Donald Trump didn’t happen overnight. Or by accident. He was the product of Reaganomics. The obsession with wealth and power by creating loopholes that made it easy for people like him to cheat the system in the obscene way he has. It would shock me if Donald Trump didn’t face numerous investigations and trials next year. Leading to some rollbacks of certain tax cuts and deductions for the wealthy that would greatly relieve the burden on middle and lower income classes…Hmmmm…

Maybe Bernie Sanders was smarter than we thought…


Trump’s not getting out of the race because the GOP can’t offer him the immunity from prosecution he needs after inviting this much scrutiny and exposing his systemic criminality for all the world to see. They could conceivably come up with enough money to buy him out but there are just too many US Attorneys and state Attorneys General poised to swoop down on him the moment they no longer can be accused of interfering with the democratic process. Quitting is not an option for Trump.


Trump would not have had such a massive meltdown if he wasn’t running against a woman. Hillary was always the genius Democratic candidate to run against this man. Bernie would not have the legs to stand on to raise this much of a scandal over HO’s misogyny = it would never have had the same effect.


Actually, what I was meaning was his leaving the race was a SMART idea because then he will have much stronger power in the Senate to get his legislation through.

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Ah. I didn’t think you were advocating his candidacy, I just used your comment as a springboard, and I didn’t mean to step on your comment in the process - sorry.

You’re right about Congress I think and I think things might get done.

There’s going to be some embarrassment. I don’t think they’re capable of shame, but they are capable of being embarrassed.

Point taken. And as a practical matter, Drumpf can’t step aside, as Josh has explained.

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Good. Trump wants to go down with his shit. Works for me. Take along as many Republicans as you can with you.


Wow even in the video where he apologizes, it’s for saying it. He doesn’t apologize for doing what he said he did!


Trump Von Wrecking Ball has already hurt him self financially and damaged the one thing that he had going for him, his name. Why would he bail now, just because a video proving what everyone already knew, he’s a womanizing pig, has surfaced?

If he wasn’t running for POTUS he’d be bragging about this.

The only thing he has to gain now is, in not being a quitter, staying the course, sound familiar, because going down in flames is so wise. Doh!

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