So what? Talk about a b.s. article. A similar article can be written about every one of the 1%, and Obama, and Hillary, and Slick Willy, and dubya and dick and Joe Biden and his stinking son who he installed as the ukrainian energy czar, and Nancy Pelosi, and … so what?
“The Indians, they love me. They love me. They love me as much as The Blacks and The Mexicans. Nobody has greater respect for The Indians. They love me.”
Yep …
They’re all the same here on the Ol’ TPM — Why do you even bother ? —
While i applaud you for not using the ‘its not the dog’s fault’,excuse, please remember that transparency is one of the issues that Trump has harped on during this cycle.
Transparency is however the issue that Trump has continuously failed at.
Btw: until his actual monetary value is revealed, Donald John Trump is a member of the one percent.
I wish all that mattered to Omah —
He just likes to come out from under the bridge, once a wk. , and YELL at the wind… the weeds … the moon … whatever —
Clunkertruck is a politician. These vapid dolts, and those who admire them hence their Likes by similar politicians, can only attack the messenger since they have no intelligence and are so uninformed, committed to ignorance as they are, too lazy to read, that they cannot respond to any message. These stupid trolls are everywhere, but especially here with Clunkertruck and his admirers!
I just don’t when you find the time…
What with all that strategizing you’re doing with everyone involved in making other peoples lives better … rather than just complaining about everything…
ALL THE TIME ---- … oh…wait —
The takeaway is the bribes paid to his campaign fund and directly to the RNC by the company president. Trumpy’s ability to attract admirerers from the worst of the business class is a feature of his loathsome campaign.