Darr, it’s possible, in the sense that anything is possible. But it’s also a near-zero probability, just like the earth being conquered by space aliens is possible but really not that likely. The country may very well go to hell but I honestly doubt it’ll be because Donald Trump seizes power and becomes the Supreme Leader. Tell you what, though: If that happens, I owe you a lunch.
I bet Trump has missed more Senate votes than Rubio.
Agua Buddha Rubio’s response: “Whuuuuut’!”
Trumpnado’ hits baby Marco…Ouch!
If you believe as I do that Frank Rich is a clear eyed observer of the political scene, then this one’s for you. His latest is from New York Magazine on the meaning of Donald in its many manifestations. He and many others believe Donald will flame out and may take the party down with him, but he’s certainly shaking it up as well the Democratic Party.
Club For Growth has an ad out and he’s on record as saying “I identify as a Democrat.” He says the Clintons came only because he’d donated to the foundation.
You’re like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie, you have no frame of reference…
Rubio is very weak! There, fixed it for you!
I really do like Mexican food
A little too cryptic for me Dr. Coyote.
Did you notice it was in quotation marks?
Thanks for the link to the Frank Rich piece—heard about it some days ago but it didn’t seem to be online then. I’ll sure as hell accept that Trump is a symptom of serious problems, but we knew about the problems before and if the mainstream media weren’t openly acknowledging them (like the Republican Party has lost its mind) it was still far from a secret. I don’t think Rich really spells out exactly the possible scenarios by which Trump actually saves democracy, though. Might be a bit of contrarian marketing hype there. I’m reluctant to welcome creative destruction if I have to live through the destruction and don’t have a guarantee of my daily bread and security generally until the happy time of creation arrives, nome sane?
There is an intellect factor.
Donald Trump: Very weak on human being
Marco’s no good at conservation — Drinks too much water —
Rubio missed so many votes in congress because he has been squirreling away water bottles for those GOP debates. Trump is right that Rubio is shameful in his flip flop on immigration reform. I don’t think that Rubio is going to get any Hispanic votes except for Cubans in Florida.
So another Walker style puppet who’s good at appearing moderate until you actually listen to what he says and until he actually gets to do something?
Yes, in fact I did. Both the original Commenter and I knew what we meant. Both lines are from the Big Lebowski. Both lines are juxtaposed in the Big Lebowski. Both lines are relevant to this story and to the original Comment.