Discussion: Donald Trump Deletes Tweet Dissing Iowa Voters

Surely this is Select Committee worthy???


Clearly, Trump cannot tolerate his own imperfections, of which there are many. His behavior is infantile.


What’s so fantastic about Trump is that he’s sucking all the air out of the room and the other GOP “candidates” are gasping. Trump has exactly ZERO interest in being POTUS and he’s loving this narcissistic trip he’s on. There’s still a good chance he’s secretly on Team Hillary, too. If he ends up running as an “I”, he’ll split the GOP like Honest Abe split a log. He’ll hand the White House to HRC who will more than return the favor for at least 4 years by giving Trump access to the White House and legislative priorities. Go, Darnold Trump. You’re the grift that keeps on grifting!!


A bully, a liar AND a coward! So, he’s got that going for him, which is nice.


You know who else didn’t handle setbacks with perfect equanimity?


Damn interns, they have WAAYYYYY too much power!


And s/he’s a mean mofo, too, right? Letting out to the dumb rubes the boss sees them all as rubes just with different flavors of dumb.

There’s your rubes not dumb enough to vote R, nice enough rubes, some of them even watch TV shows like the Apprentice & the soft porn of beauty contests, but by definition “too dumb” because they’re not voting for him.

Then there’s your rubes dumb enough to vote R AND voting for Trump, which is like the sweet spot of dumb, classic Trump dumb rubes, true American patriots who would think good thoughts about America if those clucks could think above the level of domesticated poultry, which they can’t, but still, by necessity they gotta be called Smart, Yugely Smart, or else Trump’s automatically insulting his supporters right now, and right now is just too soon because they haven’t failed him yet.

Finally, there’s your rubes dumb enough to vote R but SOME. HOW. too dumb to vote for Trump. Nature, you know, normally doesn’t like a vacuum, so really, these rubes’ heads should just explode or implode or whatever happens.

I mean, nobody’s really voting for most of these clowns - Jindal’s another one of those carny geeks like Santorum, a total psycho whose whole act is pretty much biting heads off small birds and rodents. And Huckabuck’s just a ho for the do, which is fine that’s American as valet parking. But when you get down to who’s actually got a shot here, it’s like Trump’s in a selection process for who’s gonna build the new high class high rise complex in downtown Oklahoma City or wherever and turns out he’s in a run-off with the voice over for the Bob the Builder cartoon show and that Lego character who yells “Spaceship!” alla time.

Carson, that’s the “Spaceship!” Lego dude, for sure - which people would actually see right away if we were in a head to head debate, cuz I got stuff stored up on that zombie freak, cheaps shots I could hurl that’d tear the paint levels off an ocean tanker. Also, did anyone notice, the thing he is, that Republicans normally aren’t for, aren’t even? For some reason, he’s got 'em hypnomezmerd or something. But it’s a simple choice, right? When it comes to pointing out the big important difference, even if it’s just one, Trump’s got this, done it lotsa times, a guaraneffingtee it.

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Speaking of hair-dyed blowhards…we long known what color his parachute is.

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Trump to his cell phone, “you’re fired”.


Why do you assume Hillary is going to do better against Bernie Sander’s than she did against that other Socialist that we elected President?

Does the candidate who wants to make America grate again send his own tweets?

This calls for a professional investigation.


I was waiting for the ritual Blaming of the Scapetern.


The most outrageous thing about this is not that Trump would blame an intern for shit he and only he is ultimately responsible for (remember “the buck stops here”?), which is plenty outrageous, but that this billionaire with unlimited resources is using unpaid interns to run his twitter page and internet presence. Can’t afford to pay the kid a measly $10/hour, you cheapskate asshole?


That picture is icky beyond belief. Brain bleach, please.


BREAKING: Josh Marshall declares Trump’s candidacy dead. Again.

It’s okay, Donnie. Anyone interested in voting for you there reads very, very slowly.

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I thought blaming the intern was Stephen Colbert’s shtick.

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Everybody join PRIME so TPM can provide more stories about: Trump, Netanyahu defending Hitler and Frats.

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Iowa voters, meaning Iowa Grumpy Old Party people, should be “dissed”, roundly and often, as long as the Grumpy Old Party (most of whom will vanish with time, all things being equal) allows a Little rinky-dink state like Iowa to have such a disproportionate influence upon both the political and media life of America.
Hang Iowa. Right beside New Hampshire. When they get to a state that matters, like say California (where there is hardly any GOP to speak of. What a nice idea!) then spend hours of media grind and tons of paper on it.
I say send Iowa back into the cornfield, where they belong.
The only ones who make Iowa so self important are a bunch of political hacks and media buffoons.

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He’s just awfully fucking offended they ALL don’t love him.

Egomaniac anyone?

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