There you go.
Trump to Cruz: "You are the single biggest liar
Cruz: “I like Donald. He is an amazing entertainer.”
Here, here! I second that motion!
These stupid contestants who think they only to have to show up and unfurl their infomercials know so very little. the bushies did not want to act on the outgoing Clinton administration’s advice, no, warnings, to go after al Qaida immediately because of their personal animus toward Clinton.
Marcobot 2.0, while 'splaining his flipping on immigration, now points out that the only time we had a real amnesty was when “they” did it in 1986. Hey, that’s St. Ronnie you’re talking about there, Rube.
Remember the old “the adults are in charge now” line?
God damn, I get furious when I think about all the harm they’ve caused us.
We two chez blue just explode when the subject of bush comes up. My better half usually just refers to him as “too stupid to be president” instead of by name.
Donald “little hands” Trump has an anger management problem…
When GWB goes, that’s when I will throw a dinner party. I spit nails–and fire–when I speak his name.
Short fingered vulgarian was the phrase which still annoys him like nothing else.
Trump is the best thing that has ever happened
to the Democratic Party !!!
Thank you, @BeattyCat, @TeenLaQueefa, @littlegirlblue, @Lio,
@inversion, @RandyAbraham
A humble bow of gratitude …
but can Marco do a 1k pushups like Angelo Poffo could
(i really need to see that Memphis video now…)
Me too. I can’t even stand to see a picture of him 7 years later… despise is too kind a word.
Trump is characterizing Bush’s presidency in a way we on the left would approve of. Be scared, be very scared.
Trump is the best thing that has ever happened to the Democrat Party !!!
There is no such thing as “the Democrat Party”.
Sorry, she just made a small typo. I’m sure she meant Demonrat Party.
Laura: “George, they’re talking about you at the debate. Come look.”
George, in another room, continues to paint and hum to himself.
George: “Who?”
Please stop the holy man act. There’s a contested Dem primary going on. Many important issues are being aired. I’m concerned that disgruntled backers of one candidate may lose enthusiasm if their favorite isn’t nominated, too. Berniebros is not a real term, it’s a manufactured grievance that has the fingerprints of the Ailes/Murdoch puke funnel handlers. So stop spreading it. You’re not advancing the aim you say you are.
So, according to the GOP candidates:
We can NOT afford:
Vacation time
We can afford:
Corporate welfare
Endless war
Tax cuts for the rich
@Jalus is one of our nicer commenters here. I’m sure she meant ‘Democratic.’