Discussion for article #244180
Ah yes, Trump can’t attack Cruz for his policies (which are the same as his after all), so he is doing the racist limbo:
“How low can you go?”
What the hell does that even mean, “Not too many evangelicals come out of Cuba.”? Does a religious person, as Trump claims to be, question the faith and committment of another person professing strong religious beliefs because of the country their family came from? Trump really is a despicable person.
It is sad we have to consistently be reminded of his campaign run on bigotry and childish twitter rants.
And none from the billionaire class.
Oh Donald. You are the gift that keeps on giving. Please proceed Mr. Plutocrat.
This couldn’t be attributed to things like what the Donald is doing here with this stump speech in Iowa. Could it?
Republicans come up short in search for diverse voters in 2016 election Reuters
30 Dec 2015 at 06:40 ET
Hey Trump, time to ask for Cruz’s birth certificate.
Or is it Canada, eh?
Oh boy do I want to hear Trump testify about his personal relationship with Christ and his born again experience.
I am surprised Trump doesn’t hir Cruz for being born in Canada and not the US. This fact is indisputable. He tried to hit Obama so hard sujesting he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. Now with 100% confirmation he lets it go. I guess Trump really is a racist.
Claims to be, yes. Clearly he doesn’t have any idea how faith actually works.
Cruz is not an evangelical…he’s a radical fundamentalist who wants a theocracy in the USA. On the other hand, Trump is not a Presbyterian as he claims. He’s not known at any Presbyterian church.
C’mon Donny! Go Birther! Start calling him RAFAEL Cruz! Demand That Birth Certificate! Ask if Mommy Cruz renounced her US Citizenship! Ask for that Consular registration of L’il Rafael’s Birth! C’mon Donny DO IT!
Trust me, it’s only a matter of time before Donny shows up on the Jesus TV shows. Ol’ Fart Pat will have him on the 666 Club talking about his personal relationship with J.C.!
What? There isn’t a Trumpsbyterian Church of The Fat Finger? Maybe he will convert one of his casinos in time to convince the evangelicals.
Yet another act from "The Theater of the Absurd."
You beat me to it. Agree.
“When you’re casting your ballot, remember.” Remember what? Because evangelicals are…?
(I don’t care at all for the evangelical crazies, but this makes no sense. Better if he just said don’t vote for any evangelical because their interest is not the country’s.)
Donald is missing Cruz’s real vulnerability. Cruz’s dad fought alongside FIDEL CASTRO in Cuba. Then he underwent this “conversion.” Clearly a fake; he’s still a Commie at heart. So, Ted Cruz is really the Manchurian Candidate!
All of the GOP candidates remind me of middle school. None are qualified to lead our country.