Sure - what changed Jr?
Ya think?
Beavis regrets he got caught. Evil spawn of evil.
Nailed it.
ETA: AHAHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Fears of impeding indictments have a way of doing that.
Yeah, right. They trotted out this “too dumb to be guilty” BS last year, too. I’m sure Mueller was impressed.
“Too stupid to be malicious?”
Only a defender would say that.
And with the crimes he’s going down for, stupidity is not a defense.
It would be bigger news if he indicated that he regretted not calling the FBI over suspected attempts to infiltrate a major political campaign.
Now he is just like any 12 year old caught by his parents doing something he shouldn’t be doing who regrets the coming punishment for getting caught.
Hang him high
Pretty sure a person can be both stupid AND malicious. See in the dictionary under “trump”
If the report from another participant is anywhere near accurate, donald jr was too stupid to recognize that his russian counterpart was talking about lifting russian sanctions in return for a conspiracy against the US. This is a little like the stone-caputo thing, where the defense is that they couldn’t come to an agreement on the price for their criminal acts.
“According to an unnamed meeting participant who spoke with GQ, when Trump Jr. realized that the sole purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Magnitsky Act and Russian adoptions, he zoned out.”
For the record this is total bullshit and Trumpster spin. “The sole purpose of the meeting”? I don’t believe this for a second and TPM should know better than to allow the criminals to control the narrative this way.
The entire Trump family and their minions constitute a crime syndicate and this is typical bull shit to confuse and weasel out after being caught. Criminals!
Funny how your views change when they’re about to snap the cuffs on your wrists.
Oh - so that’s all right, then ?
“too stupid to be malicious”
Who in their right mind thinks stupid people can’t be malicious?
Do these people not appreciate the irony that now, of all times, treatment of young children is considered a “boring” topic not worthy of consideration?