Discussion: DOJ Says Whitaker Never Made Promises To White House Over Mueller

Help! I’ve fallen onto the floor in a fit of laughter and can’t get up!




““The Acting Attorney General will testify that at no time did the White House ask for, or did the Acting Attorney General provide, any promises or commitments concerning the Special Counsel’s investigation,” the letter reads.”

Thanks, but I’d like to see the full sweating, stammering version from the stooge in person tomorrow.


It depends on what you mean by “White House.” See, the White House is a building. The DOJ makes no representations about what the President asked Whitaker.


Excellent point.

“Now I’m not asking for any kind of a promise here, because that would be wrong, but you understand the problem I have with that Mueller guy’s witch hunt.”

“I absolutely understand, Mr. President, and you can remember that I’m for you 100 percent.”

There. No request, no promise, no commitment. Same way as “Nice business, shame if something should happen to it” completely isn’t a threat.


'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go…

Trump to Comey, about the Flynn investigation. Its not an order, but…


“The Acting Attorney General will testify that at no time did the White House ask for… any promises or commitments concerning the Special Counsel’s investigation,” the letter reads.

Of course not! Because, as we all know, houses can’t talk.

It was Chiselin’ Trump who asked Whitaker for promises and commitments concerning the Special Counsel’s investigation.

Yup. And what about Barr’s promises?

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Two things here:

  1. Trump didn’t ask. He threatened, screamed at, cajoled, wheedled, begged, blustered, etc., etc., Whitaker.

  2. Trump doesn’t want the SDNY controlled, he wants them obliterated.


Sure, uh-huh… no coaching, no promises, no pledges of loyalty?

And if you believe that, I’ve got a great spot to build a big, beautiful mansion in the heart of the Okefenokee Swamp, cheap!

Or maybe he ran out of that special anti-perspirant for well-endowed men…? You know, the kind that also stops your face and head from sweating profusely?

I hope they supply his hot seat, er, chair with a few extra beach towels for his testimony. Something tells me he’s going to need them.

Yes, “OK Mr. Whitaker, now that you’re under oath, please repeat that denial for the record…?”

Uh-huh… no.

Ultimately, the bodies unearthed by the SDNY investigations may end up dwarfing Mueller’s findings.


Nadler responds:

The Honorable Matt Whitaker. :angry:


And I would not be surprised to hear that there were actual bodies unearthed.


To the extent that you believe you are unable to fully respond to any specific question, we are prepared to handle your concerns on a case-by-case basis, both during and after tomorrow’s hearing.

No promises. “Show up tomorrow and we’ll go from there.”

Nobody needs to be reminded what Big Jerry’s packing.

Shouldda stayed in the hot tub business, Stupid Mr Clean.


In other words, I never promised to the Rose Garden.

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How any congressman esp. a chair can remain calm and diplomatic in the face of abject stupidity and threats and attempts at future non cooperation I’ll never understand.

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