Discussion: DOJ Charges Two Former Staffers With Sharing Nude Images Of House Member

Certainly this is a crime, but it’s interesting that the Justice Dept is completely ignoring the gigantic amount of illegal shit currently going on Washington D.C. and across the country.


Well, at least it’s not Anthony W’s member back for an encore. Moving Forward! ™


I always know it’s going to be a D when it’s not mentioned in the first sentence.


How do you know? Maybe she’s a DD or even a DDD. Or, did you already see the pics?


The DOJ is doing a yeoman’s job of doing nothing important.


I’m starting to believe that Trump really could kill someone on fifth avenue and get away with it.

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How old are you? Maybe you have been reading too many trump stories as that is decidedly pre-adolescent, IMHO.


Can we get a federal law for revenge porn now that a Congresswoman’s been victimized by her staffer? Oh, wait, she’s a Democrat and a woman, I’m sure the only place it will be addressed is “locker room talk” and by her Republican opponent’s campaign next election.

Edit to add: I just can’t wait for all the victim blaming opinions about how a woman should never, ever take private, consensual nudes, mostly from men who never hesitated to send an unsolicited dick pic.


I’ll give you credit for not talking pussy grabbing, but talking bra size? Grow up.


She is African american, so it’s amazing that DOJ even bothered. I wonder if she can get civil damages.

Oh, crap, she’s hit the misogynoir trifecta. I wouldn’t be surprised if the DOJ took on the case so that they could drag it on and keep it in the news while claiming to be “helping” her. What are the odds that more gets leaked from her phone in the process?


So you have to be a member of the house of representatives before the law takes action against people illegally sharing nude pictures of you?

They said House “member.”

Heh-heh. Heh. Heh-heh-heh. Heh-heh. Heh-heh-heh.


I really, really don’t want to think about who the House member was.

I think that’s what makes it Federal instead of state/community based action.

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The leak happened almost exactly a year ago. This is how long it took to get to the indictment stage.

Which both solves the mystery of why it was pursued and provides a cautionary tale for those expressing impatience about Trump still not being indicted on how long it takes even a simple investigation of a simple crime to go from commission to indictment.

Also, however, people shouldn’t assume that the malevolent Confederate elf has replicated himself and runs every office and every investigation. The overwhelming majority of the DoJ’s attorneys are career civil servants doing the job regardless of who’s in or out.


You are correct and i was snarky. snarkish?

Bingo. I knew it. When I read the headline and I saw that it was pictures of the House member and their own spouse, I said, “That has to be a Democrat!” And voila.


Such as one big middle finger Sessions just gave the US court system for coughing up an old redacted SF-86 security form demanded by the court.

I am surprised this didn’t hit the media fan, but with the Trump family around, scheisse hitting fans is nothing to comment much about.

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