I read elsewhere that Barrasso is making disapproving clucking noises, so maybe Pruitt has done his last grift at the EPA. He didn’t even try to hide it, but didn’t count on all those eyes watching him and waiting.
Republican’ts run on a platform of, “Government is corrupt!” Then they get elected and prove it…
Hmmm, the grift is strong with this one…
Pruitt is garbage but I would need a lot more context to be mad about him getting his employees paid. If Obama had pulled a similar move to hire people he was comfortable with at a rate where they could still pay their mortgage I wouldn’t have an issue. Sometimes navigating large organizations with faceless rules involves contortions like this.
Dollars to donuts says this isn’t bonus pay; this is getting people what they were promised when they signed up.
From the fox interview after the staff raises were brought up as well as other expenses,
From the fox article; “My staff and I found out about it yesterday and I changed it,” Pruitt told Fox News in an exclusive wide-ranging interview."
and then from this article,
"But, despite Pruitt’s claim to Fox News that he’d halted Greenwalt and Hupp’s raises, the management alert said that EPA leadership could not provide evidence to support that claim.
“We requested from the agency any documentation indicating modifications to the salary of any of the employees subsequent to the personnel actions noted above,” the alert read. “As of report issuance, the agency was unable to provide us with complete information or confirmation of any modifications.”
So this government employee gets to go on the record on the air and tv and just lie . . . they haven’t reneged these raises which did not follow government guidance. What is this a get rich quick scheme? Seriously, there is literally nothing sacred about the waste, fraud and abuse of this administration. Who cares if the stock market is up? For regular folks the price of commodities is what rules the day and it becomes clearer everyday that Trump and his Swamp buddies are the swampiest, swamp men who ever swam into DC.