Discussion: DNI Chief Coats Won't Comment On WaPo Report On Trump Russia Request

Probably transposed MN and NM, but yeah, they should fix it.

LOL… Only if you’re in complete denial and desperately trying to change the subject.

Oh, wait…

My suspicion is that they’re a clever mix of innocuous fact, negative spin, and deliberate falsehood.

Uh-huh, that’s what you said about the last one. And the one before that. And the one before that. All of which were later shown to be completely true. How’s that denial working out for you?

Cannot wait until we find out who the leakers are and can get some proper answers as to their motives.

How telling that you’re not interested in the substance of the leaks. And how sad that your attempts to redirect attention elsewhere are failing miserably.


I wouldn’t share intel with anyone too close to Trump. Remember what happened with Nunes?


Yes, all very dodgy, which is why:

Lawyer up, Trumpski.


what he said

True - although you might expect that after the leaks yesterday he asked the question.

This seems a bit similar to the (what appears to be fake) leak about Comey requesting additional resources, which Rosenstein and his colleagues said nobody was aware of.

This is what our dear “observer” friend said a few months ago:

A lot of the comments about Trump are so depressingly similar to the reaction that tea party nutjobs had towards Obama. I’m sure you think you’re justified and not bigoted, but of course so did they…

Together with all the Russian conspiracy theory stuff, quite sad to see how quickly the left in america has degenerated.

How very revealing, no?


That assumes that a) he’s genuinely interested in the answer, b) he knows whom to ask the question of, and c) that those individuals would choose to answer.

Except, of course, that you have no basis for assuming that the Comey request was, in fact, fake, other than the denial of someone who had a reason to lie. And, of course, you have no basis for assuming that there is any similarity at all to anything happening today other than the same one you’ve had all along: wishful thinking.


Not at all. He’s at a general hearing, not testifying as part of the investigation, so it’s reasonable not to discuss private conversations with the president. At the same time, his evasions essentially confirmed the story. Which means Trump is in even deeper shit.


That’s just it, he isn’t. Though he survived this round, he’ll get asked something similar in the future.


That seems like wishful thinking…

Put Coates in a private session and ask him again.


LOL… Oh, the irony…


If the WaPo report was false he would have categorically said so.


Perjury would be useful.