Discussion: DNC Strips Superdelegates Of First-Ballot Votes On Presidential Candidates

As well as 15 other GOP candidates. Your point?


I advocate a more direct approach to selecting nominees going forward.

And those of us who pivoted from Sanders in the primaries to Clinton in the general will never forgive her for the lackluster, entitled campaign she ran.

“I’m with her” no longer. And no, she was never with anyone other than “her.”


Clutching at straws much?

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You’re not a Democrat now nor were you ever. You supported Sanders and continued supporting him even in the end. At the very least you’re honest.


It may serve that purpose, but the “intent” of the actual Hunt Commission, in 1982, was to avoid more candidates like Carter (and McGovern maybe).

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Ha, ha, ha! Evasive much?


Well the antipathy is entirely mutual then - good for you


I am sure there are a few bots inbeded here and there just stirring up shit. We need to be smart enough to not fall in their trap.

It’s time to let it go and move forward.

It’s time to start putting forward the leaders we want to see on our 2020 ballot.

M. Paul


Tad Devine, who worked with Manafort to help elect strongman Viktor Yanukovych president of Ukraine in 2010, revealed Thursday that he is assisting the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election.


No straws being clutched.


I agree. So why not address your reply to more than me?


It’s time to let it go and move forward.

You first. Show us the way.

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Are you saying Bernie was working with the Russians? Proof?

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Not by any remotely reasonable standard.

You said this:

You were answered that Hillary’s supporters were “the fucking Democratic party.”

Which you then twisted into the inanity I quoted at the head of this comment.

You are being intellectually dishonest in a very deliberate way.


He was a useful idiot for Putin. Proof? How many times did Trump say Bernie was the only person besides himself who understood what Americans felt?



Well I don’t know. I think the Dems have come song way from the anti-reconstruction party of the days and Lincoln and Grant. To the Party of the Civil Rights in 1960s. At such time the Republican Party did flip and became the Party of the KKK IT IS TODAY.
Progress is slow but steady.


Not what I said, and you know it. (Yawn….)


That article means nothing. He was a campaign worker and he worked on a campaign over there before he worked for Bernie.

Joe Biden’s son also worked with the Ukrainians in Ukraine. Let’s get out the torches.

Bullshit. Something like half of superdelegates have that status precisely because they were elected and won public office. People like Elizabeth Warren and Barack Obama and (when she wins in November) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Tons of others are local elected officials who aren’t automatically supers but are chosen because they are prominent, and they’re prominent because of winning office.

All in all it’s less than 15% and even if you have issues with a few of them, they weren’t selected in some smoke-filled back hall.


My link was to a realclearpolitics piece that linked to a Politico report and to the full video of the rally where he said it, which was by no means the only time or place where he said it.

Here it is again.