Discussion: Disinvited Steve Bannon Rips ‘Gutless’ New Yorker For Being Cowed By ‘Howling Online Mob’


Remnick needs to understand why you don’t engage with this filth in the first place. The pig loves it when you slip down into the mud to “challenge” him.


It’s nice to know that festering piles of amoral megalomaniacal offal have feelings.


A week after Donald Trump was inaugurated, The Onion ran an item about how the White House had installed locked covers over the garbage cans in the White House kitchen and cafeteria areas to keep Steve Bannon from foraging for food at night after he got drunk and before he got a ride home.




Kudos to those who cancelled subscriptions or dropped out of the festival. Remnick got the message.

As for Bannon, I have no doubts he’ll be back. His type don’t give up easily.


I suppose you would also have objected to having Jeffrey Dahmer headlining the New Yorker Festival? How close-minded you are!


It’s simple: Americans must not give free airtime to neo-nazi pricks. Nazis are for eradicating, not elevating. Some folks need historical examples of how that’s sound policy. Fortunately, we have some.


The torches and pitchforks aren’t so great when your side aren’t using the technique? And how about the Howling Lunatic- I- Chief who uses tweets against the world at large in social media every damned day?. Is it because you were targeted or that it worked so well against you?


ESPECIALLY ‘funny’ considering Bannon was PART of the ‘howling online mob’ just a few short years ago. He should be taking credit for it like ex-Boss Donnie would do.


Or a bank robber who took everyone inside hostage. Don’t we want to understand the robber’s thinking? I mean, like it or not, the robber is now an influential person inside the bank and if we’re wise we’ll seek to understand that thinking better.


He would have been paid and had his expenses covered. In his latest response, “I don’t care about the honorarium” he is either lying (my guess) or he is trying to get the New Yorker to change its mind if they could get him for free. The problem for Bannon is that the free market spoke in real time and made it clear that the New Yorker would lose money with Bannon on the program.

The Trumpkins say liberal tears are tasty, but that is only because they haven’t tried fascist tears.
Greatest tears ever.


A good Rick Wilson thread on this issue. https://twitter.com/TheRickWilson/status/1036951871217434628

Some highlights:
"Bannon is, as I’ve written here, in the Beast, and in my #1 NYT best-selling book (ha!), is an actively evil player who seeks to use the rules-based society and “everyone deserves to have their truth heard” philosophy extant today in order to hack and destroy that same system. Bannon is a cancer in this republic, and every electoral system he attempts to subvert into his dark, totalitarian vision. His “populism” is a thin veneer over authoritarian statism and outright, no-exaggeration fascism… It’s not that David Remnick couldn’t ask him tough questions. It’s that Bannon’s audience and Bannon’s movement get to hear their precious codewords from mainstream stages and infecting the discourse.

‘We win even if we’re losing.’ "

No, he doesn’t ‘deserve a place to tell his truth’…"


Aw, poor little wingnut who asked for it. Maybe now he understands the old saw about “being judged by the company you keep” Lil Stevie’ lay down with dog, and is complaining that no one will give him a free supply of flee collars. I hope he scratches himself bloody, while the entire world moves on to someone more important


Awww, poor little Stevie. He didn’t know that everything tRump touches dies.
Go crawl back to your hovel and wait out your demise in obscurity, you evil little wart.


So whines the howling online mob of one…fuck off, psycho.


Well put, succinctly. It’s the height of folly to invite sociopaths to the public square. They have no sense of shame and since they don’t live in anything similar to the “real world” they just lie like crazy and claim they were vindicated.


But who will steam in place? I believe Hope is now back in the Trump fold so…


Hey wait. Is the former CEO of Breitbart claiming he’s not a fan of howling online mobs?


Remnick is so sheltered in his little bubble he apparently didn’t realize that it’s toxic to honor and give a platform to white supremacists. He quickly learned that most people are repulsed by Bannon’s screeds and the other participants refused to share a stage with him.

Free speech is fine. Glorifying fascism and treating it as a philosophy equal to free speech is naive and dangerous. Bannon has nothing new or insightful to say. He considers himself a colossus of history, a kingmaker, someone who will destroy and reshape the world according to his will, and he’s accomplished a big chunk of the “destroy” part. He is singularly self-promoting and repulsive. He gave a voice and funding to white supremacists everywhere. Why would the New Yorker promote such a charlatan?

It was a very stupid mistake. Glad it’s corrected.