Discussion for article #224760
Sarah Palin with just a bit of additional testosterone…
They’re sending in the clowns.
I watched the reality show he was on. I laughed when I read the article. He wouldn’t get my vote. Whether a R or D or I …
and better hair . . . …
Don’t bother, they’re here.
Maybe he will pull votes away from Lindsey; assuming this is not just a promo for his TV show.
The Baggernuts didn’t care about him before… the traditional Repubs are ashamed of him… his family dislikes him… The dems know he is a bad joke. Lindsay just survived the night of long knives without a run-off. I’d have a better shot. Hell, Alvin Greene would do better than he will.
Nope… TRav will be lucky to get 2% of the vote if he cheats
Just better taste in working conditions
OoooWeee! The Cocaine Cowboy vs the Ol’ Southern Belle. Whatta’ grudge match!
Mmmm…pass the popcorn!
The Cokehead too chicken to file as a Republican… too stupid to be allowed out without a leash… Miz Lindsay would’ve crushed him like a palmetto bug.
No doubt his campaign will be filmed by his reality show for later broadcast. Should be gripping. yawn
Not sure anyone would be pro cocaine and DYI unless you start your own “scum bag” party.
Bravo! TV has a “Star”? Who knew?
Some folks just cannot leave well enough alone.
Cable TV is too costly even if service is free.
I’d give him 3%. That may not be enough to overcome the fear mongering of the ambiguous Marine. This is SC, after all. They have had the only known human/horse love affair in recent history.
Like that would matter in SC. Once Graham got passed the primary, its his seat. I doubt a streaming video of Lindsay eating a live baby would cause him to lose the election.
I know from SC and I stand by my prediction…lol.