Discussion: Did The GOP Chairman Just Ditch A Trip To Israel With Anti-Gay 'Hate Group'?

Discussion for article #232889

An RNC spokeswoman did not respond Wednesday to a request for comment from TPM.

Probably because all she’d be able to say is, “OOPSIE!”

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Thanks to Rachel Maddows coverage it is looking like the little man is/was on the hot seat. How unsettling it must be for Republicans to be called out on their close relationships with hate groups. After all, hate groups are the GOP base.


Bravo,. You watch Rachel too. She did/does a fine job of getting to the meat of things, doesn’t she


I love Rachel. :slight_smile:

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What makes Reince angriest is that the trip would have been free!

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…invited all 168 members of the RNC to travel to Israel from Jan. 31 to Jan. 8 on its dime.

That’s some backwards time travel TPM. A typo no doubt.

Shouldn’t this trip be public information? A list should be readily available especially if this is on the taxpayers’ dime. It may be the RNC’s dime, but they get matching funds from the gov’t don’t they when people contribute to them? I don’t get how these politicians can take lavish trips anywhere outside the country and not be forced to be accountable to the public.

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I neve thought I would look on Michael Steele as anything other than inept, but along comes Preibus.


Oh look, Rinsed Penis is checking his palm-notes for what to say next…


I bet Reinhold’s wife is pissed.

Priebus is such a whore, he goes with anyone, anywhere for money.

A Nazi Israel junket??? OK…

I guess this means that the RNC and AFA aren’t bestest friends anymore? I’m quite sure a lot of Talibangelical heads are going to explode over this! LOL

I guess they think no one will notice if they just refuse to talk about it. Sorry… everyone noticed! Psssst!!! RNC hates the AFA… pass it along…

Rinse Pubis is such a SCHMUCK!! He thought there was nothing wrong with a freebie, that no one would notice. Just that he was the guest of a right-wing-nut hate group! What’s wrong with that?

The trip was paid for by the sponsor, the American Renewal Project. That’s a private organization with no obligation to release details of the trip. No taxpayer money involved,. The RNC does not get matching taxpayer funds. Neither does the DNC.

If Priebus can’t go, Chris Cristie will take his spot.

They’re all anti-gay and pretty damned hateful. That is the basis from which they operate.
Have to find a different way to distinguish them.

No worries. Reince & the missus were promised first class seats on El Al (per his tour rider) until the group found out how much that really was. When they told Priebus he’d have to fly coach and pay for the other ticket, well hell cancel city :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Free??? Don’t let Christy know.