Discussion: Did A GOP Rep Wink At Planned Parenthood's Prez During Hearing? (VIDEO)

Loathsome polyp.


Only in trying to frame the wink as some sort of bizarre flirt. It wasn’t. It was part of his whole act of taking offense at what he wanted her to say, not what she actually said.

Her statement WAS quite reasonable, and he knows it. That’s what pisses him off. How DARE she?? A mere woman…question his unreasonableness. And in front of cameras no less!!


I have been watching the entire proceedings on Cspan today. In terms of the overall coverage of this proceeding, a wink is the least important. The headline is about a fucking wink - not what he asked her.

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Looks like Alfalfa wants a little Spanky…


Oh, no he didn’t! She will kick his ass into next week! That’s Ann Richards daughter and she doesn’t suffer fools, or misogynists, lightly.


Cham, I do see what you mean, but I’ve been paid during what I laughingly call my career to decide whether a thing is newsworthy and I think this is. The words alone are bad enough, suggesting that the words in her testimony are literally meaningless, because Gowdy will decide what she’s actually saying. He’s completely taking away her power to even speak in her defense. He’s making it a kangaroo court. But the wink completes the message of contempt and dismissal. It says “We both know you’re a liar.” I’ve never heard of anything quite like it. You ask me, it belongs in an attack ad a year from now.


As I said Matt, I have been watching the entire proceedings today and plenty of disgusting things have been said and alleged. The headline of this story is whether he winked at her or not. Am I not correct. We are talking about apples and oranges here. The headline is stupid and is not the first time nor will it be the last here at TPM and I will continue to express my disgust with click bait headlines because it indicates we aren’t smart enough to read a story unless they lead us by our noses.

If she called him out into the parking lot and knocked his teeth in I wouldn’t blame her a bit. I’d hold her coat for her. Unbelievable.


Hypersensitive, anyone?

All this talk about “lady parts” just brought out the lounge lizard in old Trey

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You are indeed, and Iike I said I know what you’re saying and agree in part. In fact I wondered myself if he could possibly have been flirtatious or facetious, even though that seemed beyond belief. And sometimes the headlines imply something that isn’t really in the story. Reasonable minds obviously differ about whether this is one. Let’s just agree that Trey Gowdy is a sniveling rat-faced grave-robber-looking weasel-brained POS.


Sarah Palin has a male counterpart.

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Step 47 in the continued implementation of the TeaThuglican/KnowNothings Womens Outreach program.

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I honestly believe it was an involuntary wink and if not, it certainly wasn’t because he was "flirting"with her. He is despicable and having watched the entire proceedings so far (they are on a short break) I can tell you he is not the only weasell-brained POS on this committee. The misogynists were out in full force today but thank goodness for the women on this committee (in particular the congress woman from New Jersey) were there to speak out. And yes, I agree Gowdy is a sniveling rat-faced grave-robber-looking weasel-brained POS and he had plenty of company.

My dander is up today. Ceclle Richards has shown such class today. Makes me proud to be a woman and a supporter of Planned Parenthood. I ask anyone here who can afford it to send some money today to PP.


A subliminal winky winky


Man, that’s for sure, wink or no wink. This whole Planned Parenthood episode is an infuriatingly sad commentary on what this rogue party has devolved into. Maybe someday soon the media and public will connect the dots and see that for themselves.


ALL of our danders should be up today. Everybody needs to see and be made aware of the cretins in Congress. I’m doing my utmost trying to use clean language here… If folks aren’t aware by now of the despicable nature of republicans then they are living underground somewhere. That nature was on full display. Anyone thinking the repubs are a reasonable logical lot ought to get some therapy post haste.


Yes he is indeed. So … will he take the same disrespectful, condescending and generally obnoxious line with front-running presidential candidate Hillary Clinton come late October? I watched Sen Tillis do it here in NC to Sen Hagan in their first debate. He referred to her only as “Kay” during the whole hour or two. Hillary better not give these cretins an inch.

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‘I didn’t say that’

‘But you were THINKING that: you were THINKING that I’m a asshole dickward lying piece of misogynist shit - and I just DARE you to go ahead and prove I’m wrong in saying that’s what you’r thinking. You CAN’T - because any rational reasonable human might, even probably would conclude from what’s been said here today between us that, oh, you’re just SO reasonable and I’m a lying cracker sexist whackadoodle. Isn’t that so: isn’t it just REASONABLE to conclude that?’

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Trey, you can wink all you want, but you ain’t getting none. It ain’t the Neanderthal attitude, either, since you can’t get none at a CCC meeting. It’s the hair. It’s worse than even mine.