Discussion: Dick Cheney To Meet With House Republicans Tuesday

Honest question. Has there ever been history of a former Vice President of one political party meeting with the majority in control of one of the chambers of Congress?


Time to exercise the Brutus option. /s


Nemesis will have her say, in due timeā€¦


All weā€™ll be talking about tomorrow is Cheney strangling Ileana Ros-Lehtinen before horrified onlookersā€¦

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Heā€™ll make the sign of the Inverted Cross and all ā€˜moderateā€™ republicansā€™ hearts will explode out of their chests, while cackling and shooting purple electricity from his fingertips.

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He will be requesting their support for another war in the Middle East to pad his retirement package from Halliburton.


If only!

Dick in the House? OK. But when Bushā€™s number will come? Dick is to ditch and Bush is to bury the TeaGOP.

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This just coincidentally has been scheduled during the Cheneyā€™s biennial harvest of shriveling souls.

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ā€œOh Iā€™m afraid they will find the forcefield to be quite operational.ā€

If republicans had any sense they would stay away from him.
If democrats have any sense they will blow a loud trumpet and tell the media and their voters that Dick cheney is telling republicans how go to war. I hope this meeting is reported on all news papers.


He truly has mastered the art of the sneer.

Frankly, I think heā€™s going there to tell them to vote for War, any war will do for this sick fuck. Its why he hasnā€™t been on TV since the President announced some kind of action in Iraq.


This man, who never served a day in any armed forces, so deserves to go straight to hell.

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Do you really think Cheney can articulate anything important?

Hereā€™s hoping they take all the advice that old fucking sociopath has to offer.

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Are the Republicans getting nervous about the midterms? Do they need a pep talk from this guy?

I imagine heā€™s just providing a list of nasty things to say about Obamaā€™s way too intelligent foreign policy for any of them to fathom.

When youā€™re at about 8 percent approval, you want to get the one thing that is less popular than you so you can look better in comparison. And Ebola was unavailable so, you know.


Reportedly, he is to give a talk beginning with, ā€œAt long last our dream has come true: Iraq has become the mess weā€™d always intended it to be! We shall never be able to leave. Never! NEVAHR! Mwah-ha-ha-ha!!!ā€

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Itā€™s unfortunate that there is no hell to punish this putrid man.

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