I guess Kristjen doesn’t want to get bitch-slapped again…doormat.
“See, Boss? I’ll lie and debase myself publicly for you if you’ll just stop being mean to me”.
Sure, let’s base security decisions on what’s politically expedient. What could go wrong?
Well, then you’re incompetent, so I expect your resignation letter will be on Trump’s desk by 0800 tomorrow.
And she doesn’t know Norway is mostly white people.
Heckuva job, Kristjen!
She is a classic unreliable narrator. Note the Trumpbot use of the “thumbs up” to imply something is OK & Good when it is clearly not.
Happen to catch a minute of her appearance on Fox News last week. She had no problem going along with the program and bashing “the left” with fervor. None of these people feel any obligation to serve the country, only the dear leader. Another sad, soulless sycophant.
“Best Practices”? Since when did the Republican leaders in the house know anything about Best Practices? Furthermore Trump’s best practices only exist in his addled mind.
The Trumpford wives.
- Kellyanne,
- Smokey Eye Sanders
- Elaine Chao
and now Kristjen
Sweetie, in your case, things you’re “Not aware” of doesn’t narrow the gap much, does it?
“I do not believe that I’ve seen that conclusion.” Well, Mme. Secretary, where have your eyes been for the past 22 months? Or have you been diagnosed with early Alzheimers?
“That the specific intent was to help President Trump win. I’m not aware of that. But I do generally have no reason to doubt any intelligence assessment…"
“…other than the obvious fact that I’m a craven, shameless, second-rate toady who’s utterly devoid of moral compass, human decency, or self respect, and driven by blind, rapacious ambition and epic, all-encompassing ego to lie without blinking in exchange for a few, fleeting crumbs of illusory power and mammon.”
Kirstjen Nielsen is a fjucking moron.
Deport her now.
“Secretary Nielsen also said she was unaware that the Doobie Brothers had broken up”.
“I’m only the director of the Department of Homeland Security. I mean, ermagersh!, how can you expect me to be aware of what’s going on in the intelligence community?! Like, nobody expected me to answer any questions like that when I appeared on FoxNews!”
These Trumplicans have NO self-respect, so it should surprise no one why they are locked in a daily battle to leak and back-stab one another. They are unworthy of respect and they all know it. Diseased.