Discussion: DHS Chief: 'I Don't See Any Big Issue' If Kushner Tried To Set Up Backchannel

Truly, is this the best answer he can come up with?

It sounds like something Monty Python dreamed up, the Department of Excuses.


Guess so. Seems like he was always red-hot on terrorism in that way where nothing else matters, not even actually combating it effectively. Just overheated rhetoric and posturing. A time-server and winger.

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly: Intelligence leaks are "darn close to treason" https://t.co/zWdM4SKwrs pic.twitter.com/j09pUbCHcO

ā€” NBC News (@NBCNews) May 28, 2017

ā€¦except if youā€™re POTUS.


Heā€™s actually helping terrorists by giving Americans the ā€œif you knew what I knewā€¦ā€ line. Itā€™s a sharp contrast to Manchester where masses of people showed up to do a charity run through the city, undeterred by the threat of follow-up attacks.


Even before Trump showed up in politics our response to terrorism was pathetic compared to the Britsā€™. They really do keep calm and carry on. We screech and run in circles. Humiliating.


President Hillary Clintonā€™s son-in-law speaks with Russians about setting up a com channel inside the Russian embassy to prevent the US from monitoring conversations.

Republicans ā€œsee no problemā€ with this.


He was always one of the bad guys. He only became a boot licker once Trump promised him his magic anti-brown people Wall. Trumpā€™s his only chance and he wonā€™t let it slip away. Like Ryan and starving grannies.


I find it continually remarkable how much suspicion liberals are approaching any attempt to communicate with Russia. Josh has gone full conspiracist, and brought most of you along with him. What you think there is to gain from reigniting Cold War paranoia is beyond me, and suspect will be rather embarrassing in due course.

All the selective leaks over the last few months have shown just how out of control the US security agencies are, and actually made the case for establishing secure communication lines away from the prying eyes of the deep state. It does America no favours when leak after leak shows it has become a surveillance state eavesdropping on every nation on earth. Completely validating Snowden, in the process.

I thought General Rotten Teeth was supposed to babysit Trump not vouch for his kids and in-lawsā€¦
Speaking of rotten teeth, our alleged Brit ā€˜friendā€™ and fascist one note canā€™t grasp how huge it all is and how small the canned sanctimony.


Trump: I am fine with anyone in my administration setting up a server and send any info they like to Russia or ISIS or whoever. Itā€™s legal and also safe from US govt and Fake Media.


On Memorial Day Weekend, these men can openly say these things?

The reason you donā€™t see a problem is because you are not a patriot, you are merely a partisan. And you cannot be both.

Video at WaPo: John Brennan:

Congressman Denny Heck (D-WA): Why should we care?

Former CIA director John Brennan: Because for the last 241 years, this nation and its citizens have cherished the freedom and liberty that this country was founded upon. Many, many brave Americans over the years have lost their lives to be able to protect that freedom and liberty. Theyā€™ve lost their lives also to protect the freedom and liberties of other countries and other peoples around the world.

Our ability to choose our elected leaders, as we see fit, is, I believe, an inalienable right that we must protect with all of our resources and all of our authority and power. And the fact that the Russians tried to influence our election so that the will of the American people was not going to be realized by that election, I find outrageous and something that we need to, with every last ounce of devotion to this country, resist, and to try to act to prevent further instances of that.


And if a President Hillary Clinton did what trumpā€™s doing, youā€™d be just fine with it. ROTFL.


Another reputation is now part of the Drumpf trash heap. Kellyā€™s is now right alongside of McMasterā€™s.


Another day; another deplorable justifying throwing the US under the Russian bus.


I find it continually remarkable that you deliberately misstate what has happened and what the relevant issues are.

Again I remind youā€“-no one here believes a word you post.

You are a laughingstockā€”this will not change.
You are a known liarā€”this will not change.
You are incapable of rational discussionā€“-this will not change.


In a somewhat broader frame of reference, Iā€™d like to know what exactly happens when someone applies for a high level security clearance? Does anyone actually, you know, like check? Does the FBI ever raise their hand and say, ā€˜Uh, wait a sec, weā€™ve got some questionable stuff on this guyā€™? Does the Department of Justice do anything? Anything? Does anyone in the apparatus ever say, Gee maybe we ought to hold up on this one a bit while we figure out who heā€™s been speaking to and why.ā€™? Taken in total, it seems the entire Trump administration has been rubber stamped. Just exactly what oversight are we paying for?


If my kids looked like that when I asked them ā€œHave you fed the dog?ā€ Iā€™d know for sure they were lying.


SOā€¦I guess itā€™s just the the way of the TRUMP ADMIN to SELL OUR COUNTRY OUT!
These people are UNBELIEVABLEā€¦THE VERY same ones that went HYSTERICAL about Clinton emails!
If the DEMS let this crap slide they deserve what they getā€¦BUTā€¦ we the people suffer! Iā€™m beyond DISGUSTED with the entire lot of politiciansā€¦


Yes, chief, a backchannel is, indeed, no big deal. Kushnerā€™s proposal was NOT a backchannel.

It was a separate, clandestine secure channel using Russian resources, dumb donkey.


Just out of curiosity, how did you arrive at the conclusion that the ā€œdeep stateā€ is leaking rather than people connected with Trumpā€™s administration?