You beat me to it. Great minds think alike – or something like that. ; )
Shouldn’t we just cut out the middle-man and hand all our Intel and assets directly over to Putin…?
,Seriously Vlad, …why ya usin’ this putz !@#$#@! Fredo Corleone as yer bagman ???
Entirely possible that he’s heavily compromised. But one can’t overlook the very real possibility that he’s just really, really, really stupid.
[quote=“dommyluc, post:12, topic:71922”]
And I certainly hope that Robert Mueller doesn’t end up indicting this pillar of patriotism, since it seems to me that Devin Nunes has always been as honest as the day is an avocado.[/quote]
If Mueller can possibly find infractions worth indicting Nunes over, that would make me very happy. But this:
is not a road we want to go [any further] down. Much as he might deserve it.
Can anyone please tell me when the English language changed the definition of “recusal”? My dictionaries still list the one I’ve known for my entire life.
I don’t really know. Holder was held in contempt of Congress for failing to provide documents they wanted, but as far as I know all he got out of it was a certificate suitable for framing.
Lotta that going around.
I believe Team Mueller also knows a lot about this moron already.
I never really thought about it this way, but this would be a nice way for Trump to get RID of Sessions, without having to FIRE HIM.
Have his butt-monkey Nunes hold Sessions in Contempt, force him to resign due to it, then appoint a compliant asshole like, say, NUNES as AG (via a recess appointment of course.)
All of Nunes’ shenanigans have Paul Ryan’s support, at least tacitly.
Why not? He looks a little simple quite frankly.
If you guys run out of these during your little pissy fight, I got a bucket of them to sell ya. lol
Or, as the old MAD Magazine used to say about the Alfred E. Newman portraits they used to sell;
“Suitable for training puppies or wrapping fish”
For some weird reason, Nunes has made it is his full-time job to thwart the investigation into Russian influence in Trump’s election. He obviously sees himself as a crusader of some kind. I can’t really guess at his motives, but he is one of the stranger characters in this debacle. He is rapidly becoming California’s version of Steve King.
Nunes was supposedly in contact with Mike Flynn throughout the transition. Also, if you’d like to believe Twitter rumors, he’s been caught on SIGINT giving classified info to Portuguese Intel.
the GOP is pushing a false narrative focusing on FISA-Dossier tag line in their defense of accusations that the FISA and Dossier were obtained and funded illegally.
Of course this completely ignores how the investigation really began some 10 months prior to the FISA warrant and the discovery of the dossier.
The fact that the DOJ isnt playing along tells you something…they arent buying the narrative and refusing to become part of it by supplying the data and possibly being held under oath to explain its mining and description…
No, because stupidity can not explain why Russian bots started backing him up several hours before his unhinged press conference. That was the smoking gun of this whole Russia business for me. Most instances you could make the case that the Russian bots just took a cue from the Republican media machine, no actual coordination required. But the crazy Nunes presser—the Russian bots were supporting him in force several hours before the press conference. There was no cue to take.
It might charitably said that Nunes couldn’t find his ass with both hands, a map, a flashlight, a search warrant, and a team of FBI agents to help him.
Nunes would share anything he received with Trump in a heart beat.
Not to mention his FSB control.
Bad idea. Just…bad idea.