Discussion: Dems’ New Strategy Involves Calling Witnesses Who Never Worked At The WH

Every time I see a photo of Lewandowski I can’t tell if this guy pictures himself 007 in his wild fantasies or some kind of super-villain working at the behest of the “stable genius”. He always looks like he’s deeply immersed in some kind of cosplay either way.

All Lewandowski has ever been able to show is that he’s basically an uneducated bully once he opens his mouth. He’s also an unsophisticated, run-of-the-mill stooge, not unlike a lot of bootlickers that support tRump unquestioningly…so his testimony should be interesting but I don’t suppose very useful in general.


I never said the majority of the caucus is behind impeachment yet. A majority is 118 members. We’re at 65. Pelosi is tamping down at least another 30-50 because blue district members would gladly follow their constituents if Nancy would let them. My own MoC, Bass, is an example of that. So that would get us pretty close to or above a majority of the caucus given the movement that has occurred already.

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“The Executive Branch’s confidentiality interests are not limited solely to communications directly involving the President and other Executive Branch officials,” Michael Purpura, deputy White House counsel, wrote in a letter to the House Oversight Committee. “Rather, a President and his senior advisers must frequently consult with individuals outside of the Executive Branch, and those communications are also subject to protection.”


Subpoena Putin.


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Trump really is the luckiest SOB in the world. Only he is being allowed by historical circumstances (as abetted by the fetid state of the GOP) to permanently re-interpret our Constitution to suit his petty, criminal, fascistic desires!

I immensely enjoy the tumult of any primary election, with its challenges of priorities and personalities, but feel I need to resist those distractions and controversies as much as possible so as to stay focused (rather than “woke”) on saving the rule of law, which is what this election is already about.


Enough reason for them to be upset, one thing is to be an asshole and another to be an inept asshole.

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You’ve got to get 217 Dem.s in favor, not 118 or you can’t pass it on the floor. Amash is the only GOP vote you can count on. Pelosi does not want to put anything on the floor she has ANY doubt about passing with Trump. That is the real reason she is not moving ahead. Nadler may have enough votes on the Judiciary Committee to start an Inquiry, but he is not the Speaker.

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You don’t need that to open a formal impeachment inquiry. You don’t need any votes actually. Just a decision by the House Judiciary Committee chair. That’s why these vote counts things are playing into Pelosi’s framing. The issue is about opening an impeachment inquiry, not voting out impeachment articles.

When we do get to 100 and we close in on a majority of the caucus, folks will just move the goal posts again.

Either we’re serious about oversight and accountability or we’re not. You’re dealing with a lawless POTUS. Impeachment is the remedy given to Congress to deal with it. Use that process or simply say ‘case closed’.

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The WH strategy is pretty clear. Misrepresent the Meuller Report and stonewall any further scrutiny until the election. Dems look weak trying to find witnesses. John Dean is not relevant. Getting more irrelevant people to testify is a waste of time and embarrassing.

Either impeach— in order to get the facts out rather than to remove him— or find another way. How about reading the actual Meuller report on CSpan and forcing the media to cover it?

The report even with redactions is a stunning portrayal of corruption in both volumes, whatever the “legal” conclusions. The only “exculpatory “ stuff is due to “I don’t recall” and destruction of records. That is evidence withheld, not absent entirely.

Just read it in its entirety, and
Compare to dismissive statements from Dipshit and his family/cronies. The case against his re-election is palpable.

Don’t read the whole thing from start to finish.

Who would listen?

Instead, reenact sections. Have famous actors play parts.

You want drama?

Get Steyer to fund it and buy TV time to show it.

So are you saying the historic victories of 2018 in the House were bad because only “centrist” candidates were recruited and won? I’d have to ask for documentation of that observation. Would failure to win the majority back have been preferable with “purer” candidates who lost?

We can consult the administration of President Henry Wallace about that, huh?

I can see the NY Times headline now, “Where Pelosi Went Wrong With Impeachment”!! This would be published before the first witnessed was called, and flying monkeys of both parties, i.e. George Will, Chris Hayes, Andrea Mitchell, Joe & Mika, et al, would be repeating it for a solid month!

More so, or at least concurrent with that, is to convince as many people as possible that ANYTHING they read or hear from anyone other than Fox News or OAN is fake, false, and an outright lie and slander against Trump. With Trump being the chief spokesman conveying that message.

Agree… hold hearings with expert witnesses on the impeachment process. Hell, have John Oliver on:


Khyber, I get it. But Pelosi doesn’t want an Impeachment Inquiry that does not result in Articles approved on the floor. The evidence is plain as day on obstruction in Part 2 of the Mueller report but that has not swayed enough Dem.s in her caucus to move in Nadler’s direction - yet. I think we will have to see additional corruption and criminality in Trump’s financials before this debate will move off where it is right now, including bi-partisan support beyond Amash, (as improbable as that seems today).

Pelosi is very good at counting votes - both within her caucus and within the Electorate. Remember, she was key to getting the Democratic Party to nominate Obama in 2008, when their were a LOT of skeptics out there, including both the Clintons. Electorally, you have to think that Speaker Pelosi likes her cards as they are today - she would be moving in another direction if she didn’t think the Electorate will get rid of Trump in Nov. 2020 AND she will keep the House. (The Senate is really up in the air, but in a landslide, you never know - I am hoping for the Trifecta !!)

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She’s good at tamping down votes too. She’s not infallible. Not impeaching means ceding the narrative to Trump to shape. That’s not good politics imho.

So are you saying the historic victories of 2018 in the House were bad because only “centrist” candidates were recruited and won?

a) the 2018 election victory was hardly “historic”.
b) no, I didn’t say that. If I said that you would have seen those words used. Because that’s how I say things.
c) The long-term problem is that the DCCC actively suppresses liberal voices that could win elections and cares only about fundraising ability. And, to be honest, they have a better feel for the desires of fundraisers than the desires of the voting public. They view electioneering as a business. The product they sell is policy, the buyers are the donors, and the means is using voter manipulation to accept the candidates that will provide the product to the buyers.

d) “Would failure to win the majority back have been preferable with “purer” candidates who lost?”
Yeah, you guys always frame things this way, don’t you? But the fact remains that, if you graph “liberalism” and “winning” over the past 75 years, they correlate for Democrats. By this I mean that the party was far more successful when it was more liberal. But we’ve let some Trojan horses into the party and they have been systematically destroying liberalism from the inside since the 1980s.

Some tells about these anti-liberals. They don’t recognize liberalism. They use the word “pure”, and with scorn. As if trying to fight for party values is somehow immoral and/or ill-conceived. Of course, again, these are the people who have been running the party while it’s been getting consistently less and less popular.

The anti-liberals don’t want policy debates on the merits of any position. They are, essentially, terrorists. They constantly build up the GOP to be implacable foes that cannot possibly be beaten, and then make sure that their prophecies come true by knee-capping any liberals who have the temerity to challenge the status quo.

That’s how we’ve now reached a place where a Republican President is flagrantly ignoring the law, every single day, and yet the biggest debate for “centrists” is “How do we make sure he’s not impeached?”

It’s madness.

Why is it happening? Because for the centrists, control of the party is the only really important thing. Because, ultimately, they serve at the pleasure of the wealthy donors, and, more than anything else, the wealthy donors want liberals to lose. And it’s much easier to ensure that result if you hack the Democratic party and put stooges in charge than if you only run unpopular candidates as Republicans.

We can consult the administration of President Henry Wallace about that, huh?

We could consult his boss, who actually won. Four times.

If today’s Democratic party were anything like FDR’s, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re currently in.

Funny how to find a candidate too leftist to win you had to go back to the 1940s, while I only have to go back to 2016 to illustrate the failure of centrism. But hey, I never self-advertised as a “purist”. That was your straw man. My point was this:

They may feel that they get short-term tactical victories, but as a long-term strategy it’s disastrous.

But you completely ignore consideration of the long-term. Because, for centrists, there is no long-term strategy. Rather, there is a tactic: to frighten the left with the specter of right-wing control, while ensuring that no actual leftist policies ever get implemented.

Sad thing is that the center has pumped up the right so much that even the center believes its own stories. How else do we have an incompetent, narcissistic buffoon in the White House? Where are all the #Resistance leaders? Turns out the hash tag was only for raising money, not for supporting impeachment. Because that could “rebound” - in some fashion that purportedly would be worse for Democrats than simply punting on 2nd down.

Consider this, the ‘centrists’ in the swing districts are the ones that are the “Majority Makers” – It isn’t the firebrands from safe districts. IMO loosing the majority would be a disaster for the country. Maybe holding the majority is something you consider short-term tactical but if the Dems didn’t have the majority there would be zero investigations into donald right now. They would be investigating Bengazi again, or Hillary’s emails.

Thank god that Nancy knows the counts and is fighting to keep impeachment in check until her criteria are met, and fighting to keep the house Dem. People who beat up on her…do they just not get it? This isnt Watergate era this is Mitch’s era.
It’s more vital to the USA to keep control of the house than have a show-trial for donald that would then DIE in 5-minutes in Mitch’s senate.

The Dems ARE investigating donald. Change the name of the investigation wouldn’t stop donald & Co. from stonewalling and obstruction - -it would only give him more to whine about and play victim - and perhaps some fence sitters who were voters that the Dems need for 2020 would be sympathetic to poor abused donald.

It isn’t the firebrands that are going to decide 2020 unless they mope away and refuse to vote…it is the Obama-to-trump switchers in PA, MI, WI that will decide the election. Sorry but that’s pretty much the way it will be. It’s those voters in those states – and if they think that donald is treated ‘unfairly’ they could give him a second term.

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Because of the inevitability of his becoming president, anything he has ever said to anyone or been told by anyone is covered by executive privilege because it was all in the service of advising him how to perform his duties in the executive branch once he achieved that God-given office.
There, that takes care of it.

Distinction without a difference, afaict.

Daddy can and will claim EP wrt Uday. Whether it eventually holds up legally is another matter entirely, but we may not know that until, oh, 2021 or so.

That’s what everyone else called it. It was a very large swing in the era of extreme gerrymandering, with a number of never blue districts swinging Dem. It’s an odd hill to die on, tomato-tomahto, but sure.

This is your opinion. I don’t see any such “suppression”. If I did I would agree. Many candidates succeed and fail without the DCCC. I understand you have a better way to choose and elect candidates.

Correction- I am NOT “you guys”, part of your mysterious cabal. At last I checked I was a liberal Democrat still interested in winning elections by voting Dem since 1982. The party “being more successful when it was more liberal” again is your opinion, and not nearly the simple nostrum you claim. All elections are regional and affected by many factors. You are only interested in the feelgoodism of a certain part of the base, and not winning elections. I know the type. “Bernie woulda won!”, huh?

Your observations are difficult to see rooted in fact and veer toward clenched-fist rantings of the Susan Sarandon/Jill Stein wing of the “I’m NOT a Democrat!” Party, the type who’s got all the answers, but won’t sully themselves by prying open their wallet to support candidates or Dems in general. Again, I know the type.

Just to remind you, the “pure” candidates supported by AOC and Bernie Sanders LOST EVERYWHERE badly. I think one of them at most prevailed. “Where is your Pharoah now?” as Edward G Robinson once famously intoned!