I think Dems may feel defeating Trump is a foregone conclusion. Therefore they can just mark time and do various incremental things between now and the heat of the election cycle to keep all but the most vitriolic in the anti-Trump crowd quieted and focused on the campaign. They may trust the fire breathers have nowhere else to go, and want Trump defeated so badly that fooling around on prosecuting Trump’s crimes won’t result in large scale disaffection and loss of votes from the Left.
If Don Jr. AKA Uday AKA Butthead can claim Executive Privilege anybody can.
But they can start the Impeachment Investigation, the investigation that has more power than the current committee shenanigans.
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Where are your balls Democrats ?
Did you have them surgically removed so Mitch can carry them around in a gunny sack?
Pretend you’re Republicans
How long would they wait before issuing subpoenas?
As Pelosi noted there, a large number of Americans are too fucking stupid to understand the difference between impeachment investigation and impeachment.
And a further set don’t understand that impeachment without conviction doesn’t remove the person from office.
So she’s concerned that it’ll all be seen/branded as a “loss”, and we’ll pay the price in a lot of areas.
Again, no disagreement, I’m all for getting it underway. But framing it as “Pelosi doesn’t care” is really missing a lot of things. She clearly cares greatly and has put a lot of thought and effort into this. And in her analysis, we’ve not reached a point that makes it worth it to move forward.
Uhm, no, we haven’t reached that part yet, unlike Republicans who hunted down Facebook posters because of their “intelligence over the Benghazi incident”. Now that would be the drunk who lost his keys in the middle of the block, but who’s looking for them under the corner street lamp.
The unitary executive theory is becoming the theory of everything.
So I believe we can’t charge Mr. Purpura for obstruction since he is Deputy WH Counsel, but can we the taxpayers bring him before the Bar for censure? Or do we just bad Yelp review him and any firm his was and will be associated with?
Folks from trumpworld better not call me cuz I’ll spill th’ beans before I get a subpoena.
Prophylactics now?
Good god.
And it’s only Monday.
they have already claimed the Emperor T. Rump cannot be questions about anything and this policy includes all the people he has screwed over, sued, of had thoughts about talking to.
Yes, this sounds upsetting. However, I think it’s a stopgap measure to do something while the executive privilege claims are winding their way through the court system.
The Russians can’t be too happy with Trump after the sabotaging of their power grid.
With Trump it is the Urinary Executive Theory.
Reported a fairly large number of Dem Reps who just won in “swing” districts in 2018 are opposed to impeachment.
This problem is deeper than Pelosi. The DCCC recruits candidates specifically for fundraising ability more than anything else, and prefers “centrist” (read: conservative) candidates over liberal ones. Curiously, these freshman reps think that the path to re-election requires turning a blind eye to Trump’s crimes. As if there is a constituency for “Prefers Democrats who ignore Republican crimes”.
Reps like these guys are always the first to lose anyway. All of the “centrism” of Democrats in Congress in recent years hasn’t actually helped the party at all in the bigger picture. They may feel that they get short-term tactical victories, but as a long-term strategy it’s disastrous.
Not sure Dr. Hawking would be amused (were he still around) by trump’s unitary/urinary theory of everything.
Large numbers of Americans cannot identify the three branches of government. Or the century WWI and WWII were fought in. 90% of the populace hasn’t read a nonfiction book cover to cover in the last decade. They have no clue what NATO is. They couldn’t tell you what the Federal Reserve is. They have a functional vocabulary encompassing 500 words. They think climate and weather are the same thing. Beer and beef jerky are two of the major thirteen food groups. All they know is the route to and from work, and what programs are on what channel on the TV seven nights a week. Oh, and where to buy their beer and jerky. Frankly I fail to see why gated communities have a bad rep. Me, I’d like everyone on the other side of the wall.