Discussion: Dems Meddle In WV To Boost Ex-Con Coal Baron In GOP Senate Primary

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Dems Meddle In WV To Boost Ex-Con Coal Baron In GOP Senate Primary

But really who better than Blankenship represent the Republican Values nationwide let alone WV? He definetly should be the nominee.


Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are so scared of Evan Jenkins they’re launching false attacks in order to distract from Evan’s unwavering support of President Trump and his agenda,” said Jenkins spokesman Andy Sere. “West Virginians will see through the Pelosi/Schumer scheme to deceive them.”

OMG, do they check underneath their beds every night for Pelosi and Schumer?

A San Fransisco Representative and a NY Senator are the ones launching the attacks on a candidate in West Virginia.
Do people really believe this bullshit ?


These are probably the same people that think “professional wrestling” is real, too.


“…Blankenship, who’s fresh off a year in prison for his role in failing to prevent an explosion at one of his mines that killed 29 workers.”

GOP Bumper Sticker:

“Blankenship for Senate: Sure, He Went to Prison for Killing 29 Coal Miners – But He’s Not a Democrat!”


Sorry Headline Editor, but “meddle in” seems to me a poor choice of words these days.


If you really want to be effective for change, register as a republican and VOTE in their primary. I voted in the primary for Christine ODonnell, which is why Delaware now has two democratic senators.


I’ve done this a few times. It never works for me.

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The super-PAC isn’t the only national group meddling in the race: A GOP group with ties to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is up with ads attacking Blankenship as well.

We really need solid campaign finance reform. National interests shouldn’t be mucking about in state and local politics.

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The most effective attack against Jenkins and Morrissey would be to point out how hard McConnell and the “GOP Washington elite” are working to keep him from winning.


It’s about time Dems engaged in some (admittedly very benign) GOP tactics. Meanwhile, the DNC just launched a major lawsuit. Perez finally doing something.


I don’t like this sort of thing–too clever by half.
By analogy, we easily could have been tempted to boost Dem chances by helping Donald Trump win the GOP prexy nod, thinking “it could never happen…”


They’ll save Hillary Clinton for the final run up to the election.


Democratic Party files lawsuit alleging Russia, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 campaign

It sounds like more insurance against the Mueller investigation’s being derailed: the lawsuit will keep the subject somewhere in the news through process and by bringing up whatever evidence may be accessible.
Unfortunately, I doubt that they’ll be able to get release of any of the juicy IC stuff that Mueller appears to have access to from the IC, as someone in the administration would probably have to lift the secrecy classification.


I placed a curse on her.


Not only is it ridiculous and farcical, it is also a winning strategy. But this feels like this is deja vu all over again:

“Hey, I’ve got an idea! Let’s ratfuck the Republican’t Primary and talk the billionaire buffon Donald Trump into running! We can totally beat that guy!”

It seems that my Party refuses to learn the lessons, even as those lessons are slapping them upside the head on a daily basis…

I love that the updates all refer to Blankenship as ex-con.

If appropriate remedies were available, this character would still be in jail.


I did this in Republican Presidential primary of 2016 to support a candidate who had absolutely no chance against Hillary. And by golly, it worked!

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Just figure out which of the candidates is the most racist, and he’s the one West Virginia Republican voters will choose.

It appears the gloves are off. Hopefully this will leave Jenkins and Morrisey bloodied, crumpled masses abandoned in some backwoods hollow.