Discussion: Dems Hope To Start Campaign Home Stretch With One More Special Election Upset

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What most of these early special elections are telling us is that, when people actually come out to vote, major results will happen. As always, the GOP is counting on the fact that, traditionally, fewer people come out for non-presidential elections. But most policy, local and federal, is based on local elections, rather than voting for WH. Dems, especially in OH & KS: now’s the time to let you voice be heard. Send a message to the rest of the country that we intend to move forward with policies that benefit all Americans, not just those with bigger wallets, not just whites, and not just Republicans. Get out and vote. #rememberinnovemeber


Oh, I see Trummy finally endorsed the candidate he meant to endorse?

Aug 2, 2018 01:45:49 PM
Congressman Steve Stivers of Ohio has done a fantastic job as Chairman of the @NRCC. He is a great Congressman who is tough on crime & borders & an inspiration to our Military & Vets. Big on 2nd Amendment. Get out and vote for Steve on Aug 7th. He has my full & total endorsement!

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I assume you meant #rememeberinnovemeber


shaving their magic number of seats needed to retake the House down to 22

Doesn’t the winner have to face reelection this November as well?


Who the hell takes a trip to Greece after they win a primary with an election fast approaching? Sounds like what Martha Coakley did in Massachusetts when she ran for Senate. We know how that turned out.


Seriously. That and the flubbed Pelosi blurb. Didn’t he know to keep things loose goosey about a controversial endorcement during the campaign? How about a “I will follow the lead of my constitutes when making that decision” or something?

Geez… Let’s hope it doesn’t matter :roll_eyes::cold_sweat::roll_eyes:


Ok all you white female college educated voters who now universally hate Trump — HEAD TO THE POLLS AND VOTE AGAINST HIS CANDIDATE. NOW


I watched the segment on Hardball. Chris hammered him on that question and wouldn’t let up. I actually thought he handled himself quite well. I believe the question he ultimately answered was that if it came down to his vote to decide who is speaker and it’s essentially tied between Pelosi and a Republican, would he vote for Pelosi. He said he would under those circumstances.


Looking at the overall scenario, things are upbeat. Of course, I got burned by misreading polls and stats last time. But…

Trump’s political base is weaker than it seems, our new study finds


Thanks for the insight. I did not watch that segment. Was that the end of it? Was there a follow up? If not, then I stand corrected. He handled it well. And screw Chris :roll_eyes:…


Oh would this be sweet to see the republican bite it. A real thumb in his eye.

A Single malt moment…or two… tonight, courtesy of Ohio’s sane voters.


Personally, I don’t expect O’Connor to win but stranger things (Jones in Alabama and Lamb in Pennsylvania) have happened.


That is a really interesting article.

This is one of my favorite pieces of info:

“Among strong Republicans, Trump’s overall approval rating is 93 percent, with 78 percent “strongly” approving of the president. The problem for Trump, however, is that these voters make up less than half of the Republican electorate — and 18 percent of likely voters.”

18% is not a mandate. It is a cult. I keep saying this, but it is worth saying again and again.

Hardcore Trumpers do not represent a political party. Nor are they particularly numerous. They are small segment of the US population who have joined a white supremacist cult that is using Christianity as a fig leaf to cover their racist and fascist agenda. They are NOT mainstream.

The overwhelming majority of this country is on a spectrum that runs from luke warm like to vehement disapproval of Trump.

The media needs to start focusing on this more.


I’ve been saying the same thing steadily but of course I’m not the WaPo or any other media outlet.

Yes it is. And we aren’t going to let some cult take over the country.



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Time for the Trumpers to say, “Goodbye, Columbus.” Hope somebody remembers the plot. I keep getting it mixed up with “The Graduate.”


Unfortunately, they already are, but they can still be stopped. IF enough liberals and progressives and common-sense centrists get out and vote for some sanity and wrest control of the House & Senate from the Repuglicans, the Trump nightmare can be roadblocked, and ultimately reversed.

But that is a mighty big “IF.”

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Donald Trump is a lifelong grifter, a serial philander, an intolerant, hapless incompetent, a pathological proven serial liar with a world record of cited, documented, and dated over 4,000 lies told while in office for less than 2 years and now suspected of treachery. A person no responsible parent would want their child to ever emulate. Unless you
are naive, gullible, too ignorant or under educated to detect his constant simple and transparent lies, there is no reason to believe or support anything Donald Trump says. Unless like too many Republicans, his flaws are not greater than the pull of the siren song of Trump’s intolerance dog whistle.


I assume you meant #rememberinnovember too.