Rachel Maddow beautifully explained the effects of gerrymandering years ago.
We are screwed unless Anthony “Weathervane” Kennedy decides to actually show some moral courage and cast the correct vote. I am not holding out hope for that to happen. You know the “Federalist Society” bozos will all vote to allow the Kochs to continue to abuse the democratic process.
Democrats and Republicans are poised for a Supreme Court fight about political line-drawing with the potential to alter the balance of power across a country s
tnarkly divided between the two parties.
Hey, I’m doing my part.
One of the most important things to come before the court in a while - will be interesting to see the partisan fallout.
It is still shocking to me that 9 out of 10 people I talk to have no idea what gerrymandering is. Once it is fully explained (by talking about the party in power gaining unfair advantage as opposed to Republican scum), no one I have ever talked to thinks it is a good idea.
And yet, of course, here we are.
The GOP was against gerrymandering before they were for it.