Discussion: Dems Gear Up For Make-Or-Break Moment On Obamacare Repeal


Josh drew this wonderful graphic and posted it on Twitter.

“Visualizing The Carnage” indeed. But this is based on what passed the House. Judging by the way these curs are hiding their bill from the light of day, the Senate version may well be even worse. A lot worse.

Fun Fact: A group of vultures is called a Congress.


What is the payoff? Republicans wouldn’t support this bill if they thought it would cost seats. Since the public won’t like the bill, I think the expected payoff is in campaign donations—from Wall Street?


Yep, to try and buy their way out of unpopularity.

With a promise of cushy jobs on Wall street/K street if their reelections don’t work out…


The Sheldon Adelsons of this world consider all those campaign donations to be an investment. Literally.

As a Republican pol you don’t have the option of chickening out. You darn well better deliver the goods.


A few guesses include the wealthy generally, since the ACA imposed a modest tax on them, and the insurance industry, which can go back to running things to suit itself. But most of all I think they’re believing their own propaganda about how everyone hates the ACA, the Republicans are restoring stability to the markets, etc. etc. History is full of lemming-like mass cliff-jumping of this sort.


“Dems antics”

I didn’t realize this was the Breitbart website. Thanks for clarifying.


Christ. This is evil, actual evil. If it was socially acceptable for these men to pass legislation to euthanize the poorest 20% so the rich got more money, they would do it. Full stop. So incredibly disgusted.


If Republican a lawmaker sat on a Republican voter’s chest and pummeled her face with a brick, with her last gurgling breath she would reach out and pull the voting lever for him. Republican voters put party before country - and their own self-interest - at every turn. They are a danger to themselves and the country.


Despite democratic senators’ best efforts, it’s almost a foregone conclusion that there will be a repeal. McConnell has shown that he is willing to ignore whatever rules and norms might get in the way of passage. And that tax cut – plus the additional cuts it enables in other legislation – is crucial to appeasing the republican donor class.

I’m saying this, because it’s crucial not to get angry or disappointed at the democrats if/when this legislation goes through. We have to be crystal clear about who the real enemy is.


And consider that these 13 senators represent only 1/4 of the population. This is outlandish. Both senators from Utah and Wyoming? The coast, principally New York and California are intentionally locked out. Our system is deeply flawed. I don’t want to hear anyone lecture me on the profound wisdom of the “founders” anymore.


Are Democrats really interested in preventing repeal of the ACA?

Where are the national ads conveying to the American people the Senate Republicans antics and impending destruction of the ACA? Where are the state-wide ads in states with Republican held Senate seats that are not safe. States with seats up for reelection, Arizona, Nevada, and even Texas, and the states with so-called moderate Republicans, McCain, Graham, Collins.


I hope it isn’t the storm before the fold. There are several squishy Dems like Manchin that make me worry.

The Dems should have no part of this bill. None. Zero. There should be no bipartisan cover for the Republicans.


Hey Rocky, watch me pull a healthcare bill out of my ass!


According to Axios phasing out Medicaid expansion (a three-year process) and capping federal spending are delayed until 2020 and 2025, respectively. Many senators will vote for this believing that they’re not hurting anyone, and they will run for re-election on Ebola or Zika or some other ephemeral freakout.


Those zany, madcap, Democrats. What will they do next? Try to pass legislation to help preserve the common good and expand civil rights? Those cahraaaazy people.


You mean 1/4 of the states. They don’t represent close to 1/4 of the population.


I just can’t grasp that mentality .
I live in Redneckistan central Florida and there are so many of those My grandpappy and My pappy voted Republican and Ahm’ voting Republican.
When you ask them what Republicans and Trump are actually doing for them you get a lot of sputtering and “Well …they’re not Obama or Hillary or democrats”
Willful ignorance to the point of self damage


I believe the New Republic Article said ‘population’. Remember, both Texas senators are in the gang of thirteen as well as Toomey from Pennsylvania.


If the two senators from Wyoming don’t get some massive federal handout for cattle ranchers or a big infrastructure project for the billionaires who holiday at Jackson Hole, I’ll be disappointed.

@dwc Many interest groups who spoke up and made demands during the creation of the ACA are hardly lifting a finger to stop the AHCA. When Democrats regain control of Congress I hope they return the favor.