Discussion: Dems' Emoluments Suit Moves To Discovery After Judge Rejects Trump Delay

Sounds like this judge is not happy with the DOJ and can see sanctions flowing quickly if there is not cooperation. This is summertime and it takes longer to get anything done between now and Labor Day. So not much until then and I’d imagine the judge will have patience until then, then bam, get it done and get it done now. September 27th is not all that far away.


We’ve seen Trumpers flagrantly disobey legal process before.

  • Mnuchin refused to furnish Trump’s taxes to Neal.
  • Hicks appeared with 3 or 4 administration lawyers who completely stonewalled questions about her time in the WH on the basis of “absolute immunity” – a privilege that Trump’s lawyers appear to have invented wholesale.
  • Ross simply refused a subpoena.
  • Barr simply refused a subpoena.

Sullivan is kidding himself if he thinks discovery tasks will be completed by Sept 27, unless he also assumes that Trump non-compliance will immediately be brought to him for adjudication.

And does anyone doubt that every single time it happens, Trump’s argument will include a Constitutional element that necessitates a SCOTUS ruling?

The very first thing Dems ask for will go to SCOTUS. It will not return from SCOTUS by Sept 27. There will be zero meaningful discovery. The only materials that will be produced are those materials which are already public.


DOJ goes after Trump? I think they’re Barred from doing that right now. Love that they’re suing Omarosa for Hatch Act violations and leaving the lovely Kellyanne out there to defy the law once again. Let’s hear it for the rule of law(lessness).

Edit: they’re going after Omarosa for failing to file a financial form on her exit from the WH and asking a $50k penalty. (Not a Haych Act violation.) Remember when Jared had to keep correcting his? Have they been updated? Or fully corrected? Nah. Any penalty sought? Nah. Doesn’t count to this group of thugs. Talk about selective prosecution.


I see what you did there…


Courts that get angry, especially federal trial courts, can be quite creative in imposing sanctions. And somehow I doubt (hope?) that a majority on the Supreme Court wants to become primarily a Trump bail out court. Unless of course, the gang of five simply declare him Supreme Ruler subject to no laws but his own. The true realization of the Imperial Executive. When that happens, i’ll
be joining the mob in the streets.


Real subtle, eh?

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I thought it was capital.

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For the record, I’m going with ‘hogwash.’


How bout ‘Excremento!’ from the Latin?


The trump crime org will “discover” that they will have to call B Bar and order him to make this quote null & void which sounds like the name of Drumpfs new legal firm.


He has to give up all the ill-gotten gains.

And his wig ; - )


yay with a small ‘y’.

Discovery should be fun, almost like a never-ending scavenger hunt.


I’m afraid that I share your pessimism. The rule of law depends on a culture of good faith compliance, especially in the realm of discovery. We have a lawless administration. Trump gets away with it because of the masterly evil of AG Barr and the norm-shattering incompetence and timidity of the Democratic congressional leadership.

Paradoxically, this is why impeachment would turn Trumpist strength into a weakness. Trump and the DOJ simply would willfully refuse to comply with the Judiciary Committee’s requests for documents and testimony. Ordinary Americans would notice. The constitutional crisis we’re in would be vivid even to low-information types. And they wouldn’t like it. Americans are fans of the right to impeach.


So I think we all know that Trump will refuse to allow any documents into the discovery process, despite this ruling. The question then becomes what does the court do? Contempt charges? Against whom? Will the DOJ enforce them? I don’t think we’re going to like the answers.


I still cannot understand why Justice Department resources are used in suits like this. Taxpayer money being used to defend someone who is breaking the law to enrich himself but the JD is defending the alleged crime breaker instead of investigating and prosecuting the case. I thought the Justice Department was theoretically the country’s law enforcement arm, not the presidents.


Like Don Jr says, “I love it”.


I see what you did there.

And Americans living outside of NYC (where we have known for 40 years that he is completely full of shit), listened to all that and did not immediately think, “what a crock of shit…”


En Castellano, bullshit es una sola palabra.

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“bs is 2 words.”

no fucking way is 3 words.