Discussion: Dems Decry Nebraska Parade's 'Obama Presidential Library' Outhouse Float

Discussion for article #224716

Would this kind of insult to any President before this one have been tolerated? I wonder how he’s different.

Don’t worry, they’ll be even more crass when Hillary is President. Republicans will make “jokes” about Hillary that ignore “family values”; jokes that we would blush to hear in mixed company.


Next parade, why don’t they have a float of tombstones and call it “Bush’s Legacy”. Something tells me they wouldn’t be so free speechy then.


There’s the level of brains that the GOP represents today.


My understanding is that the George W. Bush Presidential Library is full of comic books, editions of Mad Magazine, back issues of Penthouse, books with lots of pictures and the books that Dick Cheney read to Dubya.


These back waters really should not have 2 members of the united states senate. if you remove the racists and militia types you have maybe 34 voters. why not give Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Wyoming and Idaho one senate seat for all five states and save on the air fare costs to the tax payers?


There is a Hormel meat processing plant in the area and the natives are hypersensitive to immigrants and other minorities, who are recruited to work in the plants.

I doubt if they would have allowed a German Shepard with a German measles coat or ear or corn stuck up his a$$?

Republicans = the lowest common denominator, and then below that.


Yes. He’s different because he’s a Democrat. Bill Clinton often got the same kind of treatment, though it was usually of the “he’s fat, white-trash and a womanizer” variety.

I think these types of insults are generally more socially accepted when a Democrat is in the White House, because Republicans are much more selective and opportunistic with their respect for authority, and Democrats are sometimes terrified of standing up for themselves, less someone accuse of them of being apologists or authoritarians.


I know where the idea for this came from, a tea bagger in my county
in Montana. We had a tea bagger pull the same exact stunt two years
ago except the out house had bullet holes in it. And it created
controversy here also. But our tea bagger county commissioners
were so impressed they appointed the individual to a vacated state
house seat. The moron was defeated in the primary this June when
he ran for election (and I am proud to say I crossed over to vote
against the arsehole).


I read a few comments on a newspaper website from the area. Strong dissenters but much support. One said Obama was an “anti-USA Marxist dolt.” All you can do is shake your head at how stupid people can be.


Can’t wait until the adults like these guys are back in charge. Stay classy.


Goodness, no. You’d hear about how the office should be respected, not matter what your opinion of the occupant.


One book NOT in the Obama outhouse: My Pet Goat.


I’d been resisting for years the suspicion that TP stands for toilet paper but now that idea is confirmed.


"Next parade, why don’t they have a float of tombstones and call it “Bush’s Legacy?” You said it all.


All you can do is shake your head at how stupid people can be.

That’s probably why I’ve had two c-spine surgeries, 'cos there’s a plenitude of these grey-cell deficient bog-people slouching about the country.

Why don’t liberals gentrify the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming and Nebraska with just 1mil liberals each? That’s all it would take to gather up 10 senate seats and 5 red state legislatures to blue. The GOP would do this in a minute, even if their minute took 10 years.


Right-wingers just don’t do humor. This kind of potty humor is the best they can come up with. I believe it stems from a lack of self-awareness, coupled with the emotional maturity of a 4-year-old.


With over 4400 tombstones, it’s gonna have to be a long parade.
But If we start saying no to certain floats, we might as well not have a parade at all.