Discussion: Democrats Use George W. Bush's Example To Bash Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

Discussion for article #244124

The Bush 43 Presidency was a disaster. But that doesn’t mean that everything they did was disastrous.

Two things they got right were:
-maintaining good relations with most of the Islamic world, by refusing to demonize the entire religion, and
-having a coherent, humanitarian and effective HIV policy in Africa


Too bad Jeb! didn’t think of this first.

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It’s unfair to compare W.'s rhetoric to today. As any good Republican (Rudy Giuliani, FI) will tell you, there were no terrorist attacks on American soil during W’s two terms. So, it was easy for W. to criticize those who excoriated Islam.


When you’re doing a worse job in the “Global War on Terror” than GWB. That’s like George Wallace thinking you’re too racist.

This message would be more sincere if it didn’t come from and oilman. Why would W and Cheney single out Muslims for one of their few acts of altruism? Yeah, oil and the fact that a good part of their bank accounts can be linked back to Muslim generosity or business ties. Now tell me again which administration had ‘secret’ Muslims?

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I have to add a third : The first pitch he threw out at Yankee Stadium for Game 3 of the 2001 World Series. Good form & a strike right down the middle.

"In a chance meeting, NY Yankee shortstop Derek Jeter ran into President Bush just before the first pitch. The Yankees shortstop had some wise words for the commander in chief.

‘Don’t bounce it. They’ll boo ya,’ Jeter told the president."

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“I was very proud after 9/11 when he was adamant and clear about the fact that this is not a war on Islam.”

Except it was. Muslims were repeatedly and unjustifiably profiled. Little Boots was covering his a**, but no one was fooled about his thinly-veiled crusade, right alongside the quest for oil.

…beware the tongue that’s tortuously hung. Don’t misunderestimate its power to aid and abet OBL’s agenda.

The national “do not call” list was signed into law in 2003 by GWB.
just sayin’ that’s a fourth thing right.

Hell, somebody has got to lash out at the crazies! The GoP hardliners are so damn dumb that they are willing to cut to their noses in spite of their own face…they are a bunch of SICK folk!

Ok, four good things. That works out to one good thing every four years, (or were all of those in the first administration?)