Discussion: Democrats Fret That Obama Will Choose Nonpartisan GOTV Over Campaign Trail

It is very doubtful that she needs to get involved in advocating a particular person. As long as she is pushing voting, people will get the idea and she doesn’t need to hit them on the head with a club to get her point across. Just having her up there telling people to vote is enough to give them an idea of who the better person to vote for is.


I thought the topic of this article was dumb, until I read some of the comments on it.

Good god almighty, go back to Firedoglake.


The assertion was that Obama cared more about bankers than people losing their home.

Obama took over a disaster in January 2009. Many people lost their homes because it took awhile to get these programs in place.

Also, quite frankly there were many people who had interest only loans with balloon payments and adjustable rate mortgages that were the product of a predatory loans long before Obama took office.

At the end of the day, yes, everything he did didn’t work.

But if you sincerely believe that Obama cared more about the bankers than people losing their home, then yes, we have a deep disagreement.


“the AT&T”

It’s possible that you’re the first native English speaker I have ever heard use that construct ~or~ try harder, tovarisch


You hit the nail on the head @trumpdog and @valgalky23 Please don’t be fooled by this non-issue, @imkmu3.

The original Politico story is amazingly bogus. In its lede, it nonsensically asserts that Democrats are “frustrated” over a high-profile effort by one of the most popular women in America that’s sure to get more young people and minorities to the polls. In the next 20 or so paragraphs, the writer fails to back that claim up with a single quote from a single source — neither on nor off the record.

Maybe, there was some irrelevant someone who drunkenly mentioned this concern to a reporter. Maybe the editor just added the line to the lede to give it that distinctive Politico spin. Whatever. But all the actual evidence presented in the story demonstrates widespread enthusiasm for her effort. Then, TPM amplifies Politico’s unsubstantiated lede by placing “fret” in its own headline.

This is how the false “Democrats in disarray” narrative lives on despite: record-setting fundraising, an endless stream of good polls, a widening generic ballot advantage, a great deal of unity on progressive ideas, and the deepest field of high-quality challengers that we’ve seen in any of our lifetimes (and if you actually look at the contests you’ll see that am not exaggerating).

We are doing very, very well. The question at this point is what we can do to protect and extend our lead (we need to win the Senate in addition to the House). The answer is to do whatever we can to keep that discord bubbling among the GOP, and to do everything we can to unify our side around things like GOTV and strategic candidate contributions.


“We’re worried about what kind of campaigning a former first lady might decide to do” is simply a silly story on its face.



O didn’t have the power to “order Guantanamo closed” because previous Senate votes made it a mandatory Senatorial prerogative if/when to close it; most of the people on this site will remember that O tried to get the votes he needed but faced bipartisan resistance.


Whatabouters, whatabouting. As always at the mention of the name Obama.

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Yes, he did. The last combat troops were withdrawn in 2011, per the Status of Forces agreement. The US re-entered in 2014 at the request of the Iraqi government to support combat operations against ISIL.


I think he truly cared and was greatly conflicted but at the end of the day he sided with the bankers. The opportunity for greatness was within his grasp but he wasn’t up to the task. It was the defining moment in his presidency, IMO.

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I understand not liking partisan politics. But we simply don’t have the luxury of pretending we live in a world where we can ignore the partisan aspect of the job ahead of us. Getting this country back on track - if that’s even possible at this point, and I have serious doubts that it is - will by its very nature be a partisan project, and it’s disappointing AF that Michelle Obama refuses to see that.

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Anyone who has ever followed Barack Obama’s career knows the man is center-left. If you’ve ever read anything he’s written you would know this. He’s not a flaming lefty even if he did smoke pot in his youth. He’s always worked for what he wanted and has. He didn’t get a pass through an Ivy League school like someone else we know. His wife Michelle is her own woman and doesn’t need assistance to be that.

These two people endured more BS nonsense simply because of the color of their skins. If there are any Dems concerned about what either will or will not do…go jump in a photograph with them and call yourself lucky! Besides, it speaks volumes if you can’t generate enough excitement on your own.


Michelle Obama is thinking…

Remember in 2010 and 2014 when actual Democrats ran away from her
husband campaigning for them. And Democrats in KY would not even admit
to voting for PBO, in which ACA provided healthcare to more people in
KY than any other state.

So fret? FOH She owes Democrats NOTHING. Some of us haven’t forgotten how those Billy bad arses back in the day paid $ to heckle her then play the victim when she didn’t put up with the bs

Michelle Obama and the Delusion of Hecklers

Ellen Sturtz's outburst showed a sense of entitlement that echoes some of the most resentful critics of the President himself

Grimes still mum on Obama vote

US mid-terms: Southern Democrats run from Obama to survive

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Have Bernie Sanders turn out the black votes if you think black voters give af about bankers :laughing:

AnyoneButBernie 2020

I’m good if all she wants to do is a general GOTV campaign effort. As a matter of fact,I’m good with whatever she decides to do. With his 2008 campaign being a 22 month affair,she’s less than 2 years out of a 10 year meatgrinder. She did her part and did it well. I respect whatever decision she makes regarding future elections.

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Sarcastic delusion.

I stopped reading Politico sometime between the 2008 and 2012. Don’t remember the exact year,I just remember that all of the sudden it went to shit as a reliable publication.

Best FLOTUS evah.

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What, you couldn’t handle eight years of an old man waving his finger in your face? Some Democrat you are!

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They’ve had some pretty good stuff recently. Their reporters are very capable when they concentrate on actual political news and occasional deep dives.

But the inside-the-Beltway conventional wisdom in many of their columns, the gullibility for Republican spin (in the name of “balance”), and their desire to prove relevance by being provocative can be very annoying.

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