Oh, it’s already happening… but rather than it being the typical alt-right pages, it’s on the Sanders For President Reddit page.
So very sad.
I notice the MSM is trying to go with that.
Guns are out of control with no desire or intention by Republicans to get them under control.
This is going to become a very dangerous country very quickly – 33,636 deaths by guns every year.
Well with 300 million (and growing) we are already dangerous,
Where do I throw up? School of snark.
Careful 50, we don’t want to give Them the impression They cannot “petition” Their government in the manner of Their choosing
It’s easy!
- Take uneducated and profoundly stupid people.
- Convince them that they are both the victim of and the solution to a non-real problem.
- Deceive them into a state of blind panic.
- Give them a target. Declare the target non-human.
- Arm them (at a profit of course, this ain’t no charity).
Voila! Why provide bread and circuses when you can make idiots pay for the privilege of destroying their own country?
Smart Fabrics! Ones advanced enough to draw power from the sun and/or the wearer’s motion (probably 10ish years away from something this advanced going from the lab to the market), they’ll have that capability, along with other built-in computer features (including the ability to call for an ambulance on its own in an emergency). If they use carbon nanotubes in their construction, they could also be bulletproof while still being flexible (because with our Congress opposed to doing a damn thing to lessen gun violence [opposed to even discussing it or funding research on how to best solve it], it’ll end up being necessary to have commonplace bulletproof clothing instead ).
with no desire or intention by Republicans to get them under control
That’s because the guns are aimed at other people.
Crazy mother fuckers with guns that’s what’s happening.
The republicONz can’t win without voter suppression… now that they’ve murdered another Democrat, only one million more to go
NW, if west of Rock Creek Park the safe white area of town.
There’s nothing we can do to stop this, says the only developed country where this happens on a regular basis.
With data people, I always wonder what they knew. Drug deals don’the usually get you shot in the back. Professional?
“Now I’m not going to say that Crooked Hillary had this guy rubbed out like she did Vince Foster while she was personally executing J. Christopher Stevens with her own hands while shouting Allahu Akbar, but…I’m just saying that we need to stop Crooked Hillary from being allowed to run for any political offices until we can get to the bottom of all this and find out what’s going on.”
Nah. Obviously he did something to piss off Bill or Hillary…
Very sad news