Discussion: Democratic Congressman From Hawaii Mark Takai Dead At 49

I think many of these cancers of the internal organs are similar in that the tumor reproduces away without much notice. Then when pain or other events happen, the disease is at late Stage III or IV, and little can be done. The notorious RBG is an ovarian cancer survivor, and I wonder if the health care that she has access to, certainly at a high level, is partially responsible. The search for biomarkers (early indicators in blood, MR or other noninvasive means) is ongoing but not particularly successful. We need a marker for these terrible cancers.

Every day is a blessing with such a diagnosis. My good wishes to her and you.

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Incredibly nice of you to say, thank you. You’re so correct, this is why I call her at least twice a day.

Condolences to the Takai family.

Thanks for your gratitude.

I am a medical researcher. I recently read the book “Emperor of all maladies”. This is a history of the treatment of cancer. It is very interesting. You and your mom might find it of interest. Not too much about pancreatic or ovarian, but the book discusses the many tactics about the cure and treatment of cancer. It’s somewhat long, but told in a very clear and interesting manner, with a lot of interesting stories.

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Noted. Will make a perfect summer reading gift for mom. Thanks again.