Discussion: Dem Tapped For Trump Voter Fraud Panel: I'll 'Speak Up' If It's A 'Trojan Horse'

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…his days are numbered.

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Of course, it’s a fucking Trojan horse. But when this committee gets done it will be a fucking Trojan camel. Sheesh!


Leaders include Pence and Kobach. Expect them to endorse the very very bogus Crosscheck program. First and Last name only. so what if they have different middle names or addresses - that is duplicate / delete voter registration;…and then it gets worse.


“enhance” or “undermine” the “American people’s confidence” in elections

I’ve got one for you: the SOB in the White House.


OK. Times up. Has he “spoken up” yet?


He said that politically, he and Kobach “probably could not be farther apart,” but that he is a nice guy on a personal level.“
You can disagree without being disagreeable,” Dunlap said.

That he will smile at you at a barbecue while slipping a knife into the heart of our democracy doesn’t make him a nice guy or mean that he should be treated as one.


I wonder if he has a little voice. Hope he doesn’t sweat a lot when he does his Profiles in Courage act. I want to see swagger and attitude! In your face White House!

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“Trump’s signing of the executive order creating the commission—which will identify voting policies that ‘enhance’ or ‘undermine’ the ‘American people’s confidence’ in elections, according to the order…”

Things that might “undermine the American people’s confidence in elections"?


I guess I’ll have to go with: Their President colluding with the Kremlin to hack his way into the Oval Office.

Did I win?



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Uh-huh. R-i-i-i-ght.

Time to start speaking, Matt. It’s already a Trojan Horse for suppressing the vote. You can tell from the big fat belly door on the horse, the one painted “Vote Suppressors In Here.” Y’know, that door there that’s swinging on its hinges, with Kris Kobach peeking out.


Dear Mr Dunlap,
There is no significant amount of voter fraud. Even with the insignificant amount we have, if you were to eliminate voter fraud by Republicans, it would disappear almost entirely. Therefore, the panel is a trojan horse.

Do I get your salary now?


Yes. Don’t you get tired of all that winning?


Since all but one of the prosecuted cases of voter fraud were committed by Rethugliklans, will that be highlighted in the title of their “report”?


Sure you win. Everybody wins! Even Sarah Sanders wins. And a proud Daddy Huckster wins too. Daddy Huck’s book sales through the roof! Gravy binge starting right now!

Matt, you’d better start writing your minority report to the Preznitwit.

Arrest that reporter!

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Who’s advising Matt Dunlap? Deputy AG Rosenstein? The horse will bareback Matt … no Trojan :frowning:

It’s a Trojan horse.
See, I did your job, you can resign now.


You know, I’m sorry, I’m pretty liberally minded, but just because some vile reprehensible self serving fascist thug talks nicely and smiles doesn’t mean he’s a nice guy. Christ on a flaming pogo stick, Ted Bundy was as charming as you could get, but I don’t think I would’ve considered him to be a nice guy, ya know.