Discussion: Dem Rep Helps Himself To Pope Francis' Water Glass At Congress


Hey, darrtown! Thank you for pointing out this fact ā€“ as, up until I read your postā€“I had always understood the Pope to be the Holy See ā€¦ because of reading him referenced as so numerous times over the years. Not being Catholic, I just believed what Iā€™d read numerous (five-ish?) times. What a world where one has to question every effing ā€œfactā€ with which theyā€™ve ever been presented. I canā€™t cite the exact articles, but I can assure you it was reputable print media from years-gone-by. Thanks you.

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I am sure Brady will add it to his growing reliquary.

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Dear Lord, why didnā€™t they just steal one of the Popeā€™s baby fingers and sleep with it under their pillow?

Brady told CNN the water is blessed because the Pope drank out of it, and that he would return or pay for the glass if askedā€¦ā€œIā€™m sure itā€™s blessed if the Pope drank out of it. Why not?ā€ Brady said. ā€œIf not, Iā€™m saying it is.ā€


The Holy Father drinking water out of a glass DOES NOT MAKE IT HOLY WATER!!! An item, object or ā€œrelicā€ is not blessed UNLESS A PRACTICING PRELATE ACTUALLY BLESSES THE DAMN THING!!!

Sweet Jeebus; iā€™ve been a lapsed Catholic for 40 years and even I know that!!!


What you read in the article is the equivalent of saying Obama and America are one and the same and I am quite sure that repub heads would explode should someone assert that. The Pope as I said is the Bishop of Rome and a Head of State, the Vatican being an independent country.
Iā€™m not a Catholic but I have been to Rome and toured St Peterā€™s church. The Vatican is an amazing place. I did not get to go inside the Sistine Chapel to see the famous art work on the ceiling because being a kid of 18 yrs old (it being the 60ā€™s) I had chosen to wear sandals and they had a dress code. It was OK for Jesus but not me. They also frowned on my long hair.


Itā€™s ok, Cat - most Catholics canā€™t keep this shit straight, eitherā€¦
(except Darrā€¦ heā€™s a saint! :stuck_out_tongue:)


I resemble that remark!
Heh, Iā€™m no saint.
But I do know the difference between a person and an inanimate object.

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A lot of teenage shoplifters do it for the thrill. But most grow out of it.


That sort of tomfoolery is why we had a Protestant Reformation.

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What would he do with the hand towel found on the floor by the bed the Pope used?

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And if it was blessed, wouldnā€™t drinking it be a sacrilege?

Noā€¦ unless the drinker was a vampire or a demonā€¦ which would cause one ā€œhellā€ of an acid refluxā€¦ :scream:

I can almost understand Bradyā€™s infantile behavior, as he is a mere representative, and we have a plethora of underdeveloped and uneducated representatives in PA. But Sen. Casey joining in? This is supposed to be the ā€œupper houseā€ composed of rich intelligentsia, not in-the-mud worshipers. Well, that explains a lot for his uninformed Republican votes, especially his recent vote for Keystone XL. His facts on the matter were verbatim out of the Republican playbook.


These people are sick.

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this is just so friggin classless and embarrassing. ugh. there are some real idjits in the halls of congressā€¦ itā€™s so depressing to constantly be reminded of that.


Just keep Brady away from papal urine samples. That water must be extra holy.

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Oy. Iā€™m pretty sure Pete Camiel would not have done this.

Casey is the rare forced-birth Democrat in an important blue leaning state. Heā€™s mostly quiet about it and mostly supports Obama, so Iā€™ll let him slide. He has his base to pander to, like all of them.

There is no need for him to rile up the ā€œAlabamaā€ that is central PA.

Itā€™s more important to get rid of Toomey in 2016.