Discussion: Dem Rep.: Coulter A 'Despicable Human Being' For Mocking #BringBackOurGirls

Coulter is probably coming out with another screed and need to make the rounds promoting it. So, this is just another one of her endless professional troll appeals for attention. She’ll be writing her 1st f*cking book for the 11th time. ___Be sure to pick it up at the $1 bin at all bookstores or the 25cent bin later at Goodwill…and spit on it and throw it back.
She’ll undoubtedly be wearing that same old tired black leather skirt…the same one she always wears to hide her peen’.

Just to show that I can compliment Coulter: She looks better than most ~strike that~…many of the other undead.


The conservative reaction to #BringBackOurGirls exposes both their ignorance and their knee jerk reactions to anything that Michelle or President Obama do. If they had spent a few minutes studying the issue, they would see how powerful this “meme” has become. Good Luck Johnny wanted to just sweep this under the rug and forget about it, rather than deal with the very real problem of Islamic Extremist in North Nigeria. The result of this “hashtag activism” has been worldwide recognition of the problem, and Nigeria has finally started accepted offers of assistance from the rest of the world.

This is an example where the only thing you can do, as Sister Nyirumbe said on Colbert, is shout. AND SHOUTING IS STARTING TO WORK. SO SHOUT!

Edit: Don’t forget who started this hashtag, the parents of the girls. So shut up George, Ann, Rush, and all your evil little ignorant friends.

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I miss posting pictures here…this one would express my feeling for Ann.


"Christianity fuels everything I write." -- Ann Coulter

Not sure how mocking kidnapped schoolgirls facing rape, slavery, and death fits that theme.


Despicable is far too kind a description of Ann Coulter. The ugliness inside her defies description. There are no commonly acceptable words that I can post that would do that description any kind of justice.


Ann can …well…I won’t post that right now.


Could it possibly be true that most folks are finally waking up to the fact that people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and Glenn Beck are nasty, heartless hucksters?

I hope so.


Christianity Ann?

– Ann Coulter In her new book, “Godless,” of the 9/11 widows:

“These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzies. I have never seen people enjoying their husbands’ death so much.”


So do I Ralph, so do I.

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Especially since the kidnapped girls are Christians…I’m sure they’re feeling mAnn’s “christian love”.

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Actually she’s one of those blow-up sex dolls, but for some reason no one is buying …

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There is no doubt that these comments by Coulter and her support from Will, Limbaugh and other right-wingers will bring young woman voters into the Republican Party. LOL!


Limbaugh, Will and others bought it.

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Not so much. You see, those girls are… ummmmmm… “wearing Hoodies.”


Darrtown, you are a gentleman…but we all know what you were thinking, because we are all thinking it too!

“Yarmuth called Coulter a “despicable human being”…”

Giving despicable humans all over the world a bad name.

That picture does not do justice to her skankiness, it’s far too becoming.

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I wonder if some among the Faux audience, mothers and grandmothers, particularly, are also repelled by the heartless dismissal and malicious glee publicly displayed on TV and hate radio.

The more obvious cynicism is invidiously aimed at the color of the girls and their familys, (and our First Lady) to race-bait the twice-elected President and the emergingly popular “OBAMAcare.” Mothers and grandmothers of Faux Nation may have race-hate, but they may also have already realized tangible benefits from Obamacare (or they may resent living in a state whose Republican politicos have refused to accept federal funds to subsidize their extended familys.

The misogyny underneath the denigrating (there’s that “race” again) scorn of the hashtag campaign has not been denounced as vociferously or as generally as the racism has been. (Donald Sterling’s egregious misogyny in thought, word, and deed has also been publicly underappreciated, even by many denouncers of his racism. Many cyberspace commenters (even on TPM, though sports sites are the worst) have condemned Ms. Stiviano with sexual insults for taking advantage of this rich old man and betraying his trust and privacy.

This pervasive cultural misogyny may rankle the mothers and grandmothers of Faux Nation deeply from personal experiences. They may even suspect that such outrageous reaction to the hashtag movement that Michelle Obama supports could also target them as women. And doubt is the weapon with which to fight cognitive dissonance.

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