You should also have predicted this “commission” is a complete farce and a CT turd from the get-go you dumb asshole.
Reality hates you and wants you to go away
Fur trapper?
What the fuck is this, a political SyFy Channel version of The Revenant vs. Sharknado 5?
Dem On Trump’s Sketchy Election Panel: We ‘Should Have Predicted’ Backlash
Dem On Trump’s Sketchy Election: We ‘Should Have Predicted’ Backlash
Donnie just heard that he grabbed fur. That was enough…
Who knows? But they’re doing on it both sides of the aisle.
"Republicans and Democrats seem to feel the same way about it.”
If he has those degrees - and he finished that senior executives program at Harvard (or was it pass-fail?), he SHOULD have more damn sense than he sounds like he does. But don’t knock his job history too much…my summer job history sounds pretty similar to his work history - except for fur trapper - but one of my music buddy friends down here in SC does some trapping - also my first job out of college was as a janitor trying to store up some cash before serving time in grad school. But he has no damn sense - he took a job on a trumped-up (pun intended) snipe hunt.
Clearly, Mr. Dunlap, you should not be a participant in this no standing anti States Rights Trump garbage. Do yourself a favor, resign in disgust, it’s the surest route to re-election I can think of.
We already have enough republicans…
Stay clean —
At least we know he’s qualified capable of being Speaker of the US House of Representatives.
Did anyone on the ‘commission’ TALK to 4-5 states about the data request beforehand, to take soundings ?
Yeah, thought not. Cuz it’s a sham.
And now we learn the Inquisition, er, Commission may have violated the law, to wit the Paper Reduction Act of 1980? Gasp.
I dunno. Paulie also drove the Wienermobile.
Two questions that immediately come to mind: 1. What the FUCK is a Democrat doing on this panel? and 2. How soon can voters make sure this Democrat loses his job?
“We should have known better.”
I was thinking of Boner. But I’m sure Paulie tended a few kegs.
For god’s sake, what is there to like about this story, regardless of your party affiliation? Distrust of government collection of data on every voter? Fear of ID theft? Worse yet, fear of RUSSIAN ID theft? Sheesh, this has been a huge loser for Trump team. And this doesn’t even count voter suppression, something that history will find to be THE biggest issue of our times, whether or not we recognize its seriousness today.
Right? Wasn’t the whole excuse for any dems joining this farcical commission that it would get them in a position to pro-actively push back against this sort of bull shit? So why the fuck is he taking point on providing the damage control spin?
It means"I didn’t know the gun was loaded?" Now I do.
WTF? How gormless does a Democrat have to be to join this commission?