Discussion: Dem NH Senator's Intern Suspended For Shouting Expletive At Trump

Has anyone in the current administration ever been suspended for anything like this? No.


Okay, everybody.

Be polite to TheRealLucifer.


She broke the rules of Congress apparently. And that’s the kind of thing that gets anyone in trouble - yelling “fuck you” at someone important.

So? Breaking rules is often necessary when you are fighting fascists or just evil in general.


Maybe the Red Hen restaurant could give her a job for that week.


Oh, I could not agree more.

I was just wondering how her First Amendment rights came into the question.

She’s from Vermont, is twenty-one, and made the Dean’s List last semester.

Who knows what she is learning from this experience?


Didn’t they actually lock someone up for saying something similar to 41??

I don’t recall in the original story that “she ran away”. Only that at the time nobody knew who yelled.

We all have the right to speak truth to power under the 1st Amendment and there is nothing in there that specifies that it has to be polite. On the other hand, all rights have boundaries and arguably perhaps she went over the boundary of her 1st amendment rights but I actually do not think so.

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As for nobody knowing who yelled, it’s not true. She was there with a group of her fellow non-Republican interns. The opportunity “presented itself” and the other interns egged her on. She yelled, perhaps believing they would, too. They did not — but they all knew that she had, because they were there with her.

And yes, she did run — once she realized what she alone had done. Maybe I’d have run, too.

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Only Republican interns are allowed to yell fuck you at Democratic presidents.

No, they’re only allowed to yell, “You lie!”

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Give that young woman all the jobs when she’s finished with her internship! I have a feeling we’ll be hearing from her again soon.



I like her guts.


Yep, that youngin’s got moxie.


Was it “Be Kind to Nazis Day” on Capitol Hill today?


…knowing Trump like we do, hearing a woman swear probably gave him a woody.

Rumor has it that his staff can’t use the word “bilingual” around him because it has the same effect.

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Shit every day is Be Kind to Nazis Day on Capitol Hill.


Wait a minute! Who were the little turds that turned her in? Was there a video of her? I only heard an audio tape. And that could’ve been anyone! (maybe everyone!).

Ew. But you are probably, totally correct.