Discussion: Dem Leaders Blame White House For Ronny Jackson Withdrawal

How much can we all contribute for you to stop reposting AP “news” articles?


Just curious but what is wrong with AP articles?

I wouldn’t say it is all AP articles, but 90% of the time when we get a story here that is particularly egregious with its bothsiderist spin or naive credulity towards some Republican talking point you can bet it will be an AP piece.


The two leaders are trying to make the case that Jackson wasn’t qualified to run the government’s second-largest agency.

I haven’t heard a single competent voice say that he had a single qualification to run VA, yet AP is making it sound like Schumer and Pelosi are voices in the wilderness. THAT’S what’s wrong.


Were they blaming the maladministration for Jackson’s withdrawal? I don’t think so. They were blaming tRump and his henchmen for nominating Jackson in the first place.


Democratic leaders are placing the blame on the Trump administration for Ronny Jackson’s withdrawal as nominee for secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

I’d blame Ronny Jackson for accepting the nomination in the first place, but then again he acted like an abusive jackass his whole career and made it this far… how could he know?



That and their extremely “carless” writing.


Precisely. It was plain to all but the lowest intelligence (Trump) that this was a disastrous nomination regardless of his personal issues.

“The two leaders are trying to make the case that Jackson wasn’t qualified to run the government’s second-largest agency.”

Trying to spin the issue of Dr. Jackson’s competence as partisan, rather than perhaps offer some reporting on his actual qualifications, is typical of AP, and what’s wrong with them.


Wow…are Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie money Schumer actually criticizing Trump? Must be an issue that doesn’t impact big banks or giant monopolies.

The story is how Rs stood by Jackson, far more than this nothing much article which simple minds seize on.