The ruling allegedly takes that into consideration:
“Nothing in the United States Constitution alters or overrides this duty.”
The ruling allegedly takes that into consideration:
“Nothing in the United States Constitution alters or overrides this duty.”
StaTES rIGHTs! StaTEs RIGHts! Roy MOOre TRUMps the FederaL coURts inCLUDINg APPELLATE courts. Our RIGht tO discrIMINAte IS enshriNEd in the Constitution!!11one!11!1!!!
Alabama State Supreme Court: “Nothing in the United States Constitution alters or overrides this duty.”
United States Constitution: “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.”
Someone had better go look into Alabama primary schools, not to mention law schools, because it appears that basic reading comprehension is not among the skills they teach.
Sadly, I think we might have left a child or two behind in Alabama…
Please don’t give them any ideas. Half of them won’t even know what a “rhetorical question” is.
As it has done for approximately two centuries
Gracious, that seems like a lot until one considers the approximately 700 centuries of human sexual behavior these unsophisticated bumpkins can’t imagine.
Haven’t read the full 148-page opinion. But at the bottom of page 6, the majority opinion cites a “clarification” issued by the federal district court a couple of weeks after the first clarification. If he majority opinion quotes the second clarification accurately, the district judge clearly weaseled and opened the door for the Alanama Suoreme Court. As it stands, it appears the distict judge has ruled that denial of same sex marriage ban violates the equal protection and due process clauses of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and - (a) he enjoined the state Attorney General from enforcing Alabama law which prohibits same sex marriage, but (b) didn’t actually enjoin anyone else from following Alabama law. In my opinion, if you could put the entire state of Alabama on wheels, you could drive it it through that loophole with plenty of room to spare. So, legally speaking, the action of the Alabama Suoreme Court isn’t actually as daring as it seems.
US Constitution, Article 2, Paragraph 6: Federal Supremacy Clause.
They have never heard of it.
That’s the silliest justification for rank stupidity I’ve seen in ages.
The decisions of the lowest federal court are superior to the decisions of the highest state court.
And parsing the language like that is a fool’s errand—and legally risible.
I’m not trying to justify it. Im only explaining how they got away with it.
Emergency stay? What’s with you guys?
Look you just IGNORE him and file the licenses.
(She) Judge Granade only dismissed all other state defendants after the Attorney General testified that he alone would be responsible to ensure any injunction issued would be followed by all counties. Well, apparently, the AG lied under oath. That is not the fault of the District Court Judge.
With the current makeup of the AL supreme court, it doesn’t matter what the district court ordered or what the injunction said. These justices would have (as they already have) twisted legality and judicial process to make the ruling they wanted to make.
People to right of them,
People to left of them,
People in front of them
Volley’d and thunder’d;
Storm’d at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode Alabama.
My apologies to Lord Tennyson, but it does seem likely the outcome will be the same. In short…“someone has blundered.”
If the state Attorney General is enjoined from enforcing state law, then the state Supreme Court has no enforcement mechanism and they’re just a bunch of bigoted old men standing at the top of a cliff pissing into the wind and wondering why they’re all wet.
Then set aside some time today and read the entire opinion. Or just most of it. It sets a new standard for bizarre and contradiction. It doesn’t even hold to any consistency with its own internal “logic”. (though they do do what I just did whenever they mention gay marriage, they put it in quotes to question its validty…that’s about the only consistent thing they did, though).
Here is a pretty good take down of the absurdity involved for those who don’t wish to wade through 148 pages on nonsense.
The War of Northern Jurisprudence
Alabama: where decency and common sense come to die.