All of a sudden this administration is the rule of law, but not with regard to emoluments, civil rights, environmental protection, fair housing…the list goes on. In the early 1900s my ancestors near Odessa were faced with this very same dilemma–flee near guaranteed death, rape, or extermination–or flee. Many tried to flee and in my family’s fleeing my great grandmother was forcefully separated from her mother and father and siblings at age 10. She never saw them again and never knew what happened to them. She lived with this unbelievable pain for her entire 96 years. She was my babushka, and I loved her dearly, but she carried a sorrow I never understood. I always felt it and was always saddened by it because it was a trauma that no one could erase. Now I get it, and I cry watching this unfold.
Let’s make one thing perfectly clear. There is no temporary housing (not a St. Regis, certainly not a Trump Tower anywhere) that is good enough to justify the inhumane, inhuman, immoral, illegal and unconstitutional act of removing a child from their parents for the ‘crime’ of attempting to apply for amnesty in the USA.
Stupefying Asshole Steve Miller, Clump Of Shit John Kelly, Awful Ghoul Jeff Sessions and Piece Of Terrible Ugly Sewage Trump, there is not enough shame in the world to match what you all deserve.
eta: not intended as a comprehensive list, Ryan, McConnell, Cruz, Nielson, any other senators and representatives who have tried to justify this policy or who have remained silent, and certainly the majority of Republicans who claim to support it, deserve ALL the shame it takes to get them to recant.
Weni, Widi, Wesuk.
One of the viking gifts to our language, besides Thursday and Friday, is the term “berserk”. Berserker warriors would bite their shields and attack as if in a trance, intimidating their foes in the process. If only Nielsen’s performance had risen to the level of berserk. Now she just made the whole world mad at her.
When’s his time in the barrel, FFS…
Their fortunes are tied to his…
Reap/sow, dogs/fleas, petards and such
Karma is a constant…
It was said that they did that because they believed they wore an invisible coat of armor.
It’s up to us to prove them wrong.
On one hand they tout that the Obama ruling that children cannot be held in detention over 20 days, and because their parents are in detention for over this, they must be separated. Then after this kids are held in camps for way over 20 days. These guys just justify their actions through lies, lies, lies.
Don’t worry the MSM will have the Trump administration for lunch Trump administration’s back.
Why do Republican women so often look like they would be happiest as concentration camp guards?
I think the word you’re looking for is Republic*nt…
More lies. I just heard Beto O-Rourke interviewed on Rachel Maddow. He said that armed guards are refusing to let immigrants enter at the recognized Ports of Entry - they are telling the people that the U.S. is full and is not allowing any asylum seekers. That is why so many of them are suddenly trying to enter at other places. That would mean that this administration’s policies are purposely sending people to places where they will be entering illegally so they can take their kids. It just keeps getting worse.
I would stil like more and better concrete evidence of where the girls are.
I think rode hard and put away wet is pretty significant.
In any case, I hope they can all sleep well tonight.
Reminder: 10 Democrats voted to confirm Kirstjen Nielsen.
We need to elect more and better Democrats because the ones we got ain’t gettin’ it done.
I am livid with what is going on! After hearing Beto O’Rourke on Rachel’s show, this is as clear cut a case of entrapment as I’ve ever seen. I don’t doubt for one moment that this pigfucker and his pus-filled piece of shit cultists intentionally closed the ports of entry to force these desperate asylum seekers to seek other places to enter.
I am against capital punishment but I’m feeling the need for a Mussolini/Esso station moment for this nation.
OT, but this is intereting:
Someone is in trouble,with his church:
Per Wikipedia, she doesn’t have kids. Neither do I, incidentally, but I am capable of empathy. Sessions has three children, but I guess he’s incapable of remembering what it was like when they were young. These people are horrible, and anyone who voted for this shit is an awful person.