Discussion: Debate Stirs Over US-Taliban Captive Swap

Discussion for article #223391

All-in-all I think it was the right decision. Even, the Israelis, famous for their ‘no negotiation with terrorists’ stance, have done prisoner swaps. Also, many (if not most) of the Guantanamo prisoners have been captured and held on extremely shaky premises. Sure, they may hate us now, but who wouldn’t after being locked up for almost a decade without a trial (and sometimes tortured)?

The idea that the Taliban or other terrorists will now try to capture more U.S. soldiers is nearly ludicrous. I have no doubt that the ‘worst of the worst’ are already trying as hard as they can to capture U.S. soldiers. I am just glad that one soldier is coming back alive


david rohde, the former nyt reporter who was held for 7 months by the taliban, was on morning bro today and given all of 2-3 minutes to opine on the situation. i suspect his contribution was limited since he had the audacity to use as his first comment that israel conducts these exchanges – including release of 1000 palestinians for 1 israeli soldier. and then compounded that error by pointing out that this exchange is unlikely to result in further soldiers being captured since the u.s. is leaving afghanistan.
but no fear, that master military analyst bill kristol denounced obama’s actions and took shots at bergdahl that he deserted and cooperated with the enemy… kristol also wondered why the release wasn’t delayed until the u.s. pullout was completed…
i have to say, i am gobsmacked at the allout maliciousness and contempt directed at this guy… if anything, i expected these reactions to be a bit more muted.


Today show was EXTREMELY offensive and appeared to swallow ignorant Rethug pot-stirring whole. McCain further disgraced himself yesterday (on what else a round-table yak show) and the rosy memory of his questionable POW time. Doubtful Gitmo Seniors pose much threat except to winger chickens. Another big GOP political mistake unfolds…

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Congress is upset because they couldn’t foot drag this issue.


One wonders how the GOP has the nerve to show themselves in public. All hate, all the time.


“…Have we just put a price on other U.S. soldiers…”

If so, then America needs to shut down the immoral and illegal facility at Guantanamo. By conservative’s own admission, it isn’t solving anything, and only putting U.S. soldier’s lives at risk.

Not that Cruz cares about that.

No, there is no debate. There is merely the usual toxic garbage spewing from the mouths of sufferers from Obama Derangement Syndrome. Anyone with an ounce of compassion is just glad Bergdahl is home, regardless of what mistakes he may have made to end up getting captured in the first place.

As for the suggestion that this gives the Taliban some new incentive to capture US soldiers - given that they have been doing everything they can to kill as many US soldiers as possible, why is this even being suggested by anybody who wants to be taken seriously as a commentator on these issues?


What debate? Its the usual cacophony of spewing wing nuts and their idiot Obama hating
posse. These are people who would prefer fat diabetic children, being poisoned by some factory
belching poisonous emissions, letting bridges fall down and poor people die without healthcare
just to prove a point. You know–that they hate anything the president does and the Freedumb . . . . .


It’s going to be another misfired GOP at attacking Obama by somehow finding fault with a foreign-policy accomplishment which, were it a Republican president, would be greeted as masterful diplomacy. Same with getting Bin Laden, same with defusing Crimea. GOP/Fox/Rove/Red State times will huff and puff and scream and holler and, in the end, the attempt at discrediting will fail. They’re too stupid to find a way to connect outside their core psychotic audience. This is the fundamental fault with hard-right “news as entertainment” a la Limbaugh or Fox: what sells to the Teahadist rubes is laughable to the sane balance of the population.


If these Taliban captives are so dangerous, the US really could not oft them while in Gitmo, now they are out of US hands they are open game ---- probably watching too many movies –

What debate. We got our soldier back. That is what happens when a war comes to an end.

My only guess is the fossil fuel controlled media needs a distraction from the new carbon regulations. That is the real story this week.

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What outrage can we expect from the GOP next? It’s a dangerous practice to free kidnapped school children with any other means besides a full scale war?

It’s pretty clear that the victim is always the problem with conservatives. These people should never have gotten in trouble and put Republicans in a position where they must deal with a problem…any problem. And for heaven’s sake, let’s not deal with a problem that might shed some light on a problem Republicans created themselves.

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“Take no Prisoners” during war is a bad thing. We’d rather our enemies take prisoners than murder soldiers who fall into enemy hands. Obama’s critics are deliberately conflating hostages with prisoners, and by doing so are encouraging murder of U.S. fighters


An opinion piece from Philly.com, which I think hits the nail on the head…

The relevancy of today’s GOP is always going to be in question.

The only “debate” here is how much bloviating hypocrisy and stupidity the MSM will let the GOP talking heads get away with.

I find people turning to John McCain on this one even funnier. The original POW now bloviating the loudest and longest about how the President should have just let this kid rot somewhere. The irony is off the charts.

If he was a deserter (another RWNJ talking point I’ve seen for the last 24 hours), then it’s up to the military to deal with that. Period, end of debate. He’s still a US citizen and the last time I checked wasn’t the US military motto “leave no man behind”?

Or is it “leave no man behind, except the ones the GOP think they can make political hay from”?
