Discussion: Debate Commission, Networks Have No Plans To Fact-Check Candidates Live

Trump: The Holocaust didn’t happen.
Moderator: Secretary Clinton, what is your response?
Clinton: That’s a lie.

Media: balance!

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Is there a any possibility that FOX news will fact check their idol, Trump???

So, we’re going to witness a "He Said-She Said-We Don’t Care" squabble
"I didn’t say that"
"Yes you did"
"No I didn’t"
"Yes you did"
"I know you did but what am I?"
"What? You better start learning to resolve your own problems on your own"

The Democratic Party voted for The Patriot Act, the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, for continued blanket surveilliance of US communications and a Democratic controlled Justice Department has prosecuted more people under the 1917 Espionage act than every Administration before it while refusing to prosecute any members of the torture regime.

And you say the Republicans are radicalized? What is your honest opinion of the Democrats level of “radicalization”?

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Well I can see how facing checking every little thing might make it drag out, but if it’s pretty much a blatant lie it seems like they’d should point that out. Plenty of time after to thoroughly look into what they say for those that still haven’t decided and want to use the debate to help them. Although to me I really wonder anybody that hasn’t decided already as I’m guessing the debate lies will be similar or worse for Trump and about the same for Hillary.


Trumpanzees getting feisty over debate



If Trump stands on stage and says “Yes, Madame Secretary, that is a terrific response” in reply to everything she says tomorrow we’ll be reading about how “presidential” he looked and he’ll end up getting elected.

How the hell did we get here?

Total abdication of journalistic integrity. Why even bother with journalists as moderators at this point? Anyone can ask a question.


Despite this officially announced ‘truth not required which makes it a worthless’ debate, please remember this truth . . .


Well, it’s: In YOUR guts…

But the rest is spot on.

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Univision and Telemundo told Politico that they were not planning to fact-check candidates on screen, citing the rapid-fire editorial and technical response required.

And yet I’ve read numerous articles about how producers and directors of sports programs have thousands of nitty-gritty stats and personal interest bits ready to go at a moment’s notice, either for announcers or for onscreen display. And the networks won’t bother to put the same effort into … oh, wait. It doesn’t pay.


There was a professor of political science on my local news here in Canada this morning talking about the debates tonight.

First sentence out of his mouth? “It’s going to have to be about who gets in the best Zinger on the other person”.

It’s official. Your election has become a 2 year long WWE match, facts be damned so long as there are Zingers.

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He’ll be murdered in the media tomorrow, but maybe half or less of the folks that watched the debate will see those reports. I worry that by then it will be too late.

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Hillary hasn’t had to endure anything that God didn’t intend for her and every other woman to endure. It’s a Christian thing.


Worse; it’s going to be President Pence. The Republican Congress likely won’t give Trump the time of day, but they’ll work with Pence, and Trump has said he’s going to let the Veep run the show.

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Well, there are some gay people that will tell you life was a bit more thrilling when they had to be furtive about everything. Just trying to take a “glass half full” outlook here.

Yeah, that’s the nub, you can hear her whining about how they might have to do some work to be ready for the Trump lie fest, so we’d rather just let him lie his way to the White House since that requires no effort and makes more money.

Then they can go to work and wonder why there’s FBI and Heavily armed Brown Shirted gangs inside and outside the News Media offices.

I do not think the moderators should fact check per se, they do not know all this stuff on the fly either. But they should be able to have follow up questions if possible to make them cite a source or something like that. Then afterwords more should be done to point out the truth etc.

That said, most people do not care much about the truth. They are happy in their bubbles of whatever fragments of the truth they grab onto the most.

Trump tells too many lies to fact check.

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Apparently Bloomberg is going to live Fact Check the debate (per occupy democrats on Facebook )

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