Discussion: Debate Commission, Networks Have No Plans To Fact-Check Candidates Live

Major networks were also unwilling to commit to the chyron fact-checks they’ve taken to using to correct candidates in real time, according to a Monday report from Politico.

But if one of Kim Kardashian’s ass implants exploded in an LA bistro, they’d all have reporters on the scene within minutes giving live reports on the carnage.


that’s on the moderators.

if the 27th has a whole bunch of folks wondering out loud about why Holt allowed Trump free access to be Donald Trump, then I’m going to laugh my head off.

easily…its called ‘narrative’ for a reason. Now is it right? no

but again its called ‘narrative’ for a reason.

Consider self medicating if only for tonight…


Trump may be counting on the Andrea Greenspan/Chick Toad effect, as they do their stuff. Much as I cannot stand Tweety, he appears to hate Hill less than Mrs. Greenspan or the reptilian Chick Toad. After the Commander In Chief Forum, Tweety was quite enthusiastic over Hill’s performance…this after Greenspan lied and stated that Hill was “defensive”.

Tweety may be aware of what awaits us all with Trump…and being a more pretentious faux “historian” that either Toad or Greenspan may prove many naysayers wrong and state that Trump actually IS a liar.

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I know it’s on the moderators - that’s what I am complaining about.

I know it’s narrative, but what is the purpose of a debate? I guess that is the threshold question.

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the hilarity is that of their unwillingness is that they have had four years post Candy Crawley to get that ‘bike’ fixed.

This is a debate, not a truth commission!

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“… After all, if the Democratic candidate says the sky is blue, and the Republican candidate says the sky is the color of anthrax and sin, do we really want to send a moderator or journalist outside to check? Both sides differ on the color of the sky, and the audience should determine the truth for themselves from the arguments of the candidates, without any bias-y fact-checking from journalists or the weather service.”

If the moderators spent their time fact checking Trump, there wouldn’t be any time left for Hillary to speak.

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that one first

again narrative.

remember how we got to this moment and just concentrate on this year alone. The story then was ‘he’s not going to the debates, Hillary would rip him to shreds…’.

from that point alone, keep going until you reached today.

metaphor time (well a mangling): there were actually three men who were crucified on Calvary. Matt Lauer already caught his ‘cross’ for not doing his job. If Holt is inclined to join him, then by all means…let Trump have his say…


Well my questions are mostly rhetorical in nature inasmuch as they ain’t going to moderate with fact checking.

So it’s neither here nor there. But it certainly makes a mockery out of the entire exercise as far as I’m concerned.

Not that she can’t handle it - she can. And no doubt she and her team expect it.


Anybody who actually needs to watch this circus freak show debate in order to decide whether to vote for Clinton or Trump is a goddamn moron who is beyond help.


There you go … bringing up educated electors …

Geeze …

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You’ve cut to the chase. Those six morons don’t need to be catered to. :scream:


Apparently not all of the media are spineless cowards…

Bloomberg TV will fact-check the debate in real-time, on-screen.


Good for them. I think that shows all kinds of integrity.



Because Optics!


Because this is the Trump Reality Show Presidential Campaign.


Edward R. Murrow must be turning over in his grave.

Sam Wang would agree with you. The so-called HorseRace was ginned up by the MSM trashing Hillary with faux “scandals”…also, GOPers (aided by Conway getting away with MSM-accepted lies) came over to Trump. The BernieBots who drifted to Stein and Johnson didn’t help either.

But, according to Sam Wang, this race is the most stable in the history of modern polling.

The HorseRace memes (and actions to make it so) by the MSM are what we are dealing with here. Unfortunately we are left with only six weeks to turn Millennials’ heads. Despite what many may think, I believe that this is easier than it sounds.

But it requires maturity on the part of millions of voters and thousands of explainers of the dangers Trump presents to these millions.