“narcissistic lunacy.”? Trump crowd translation: Huh? (98% of them)
The rest:
Fucking pinhead professor!
Red doper diaper baby!
Go back to the Soviet Union!
U.S.A U.S.A.!
“narcissistic lunacy.”? Trump crowd translation: Huh? (98% of them)
The rest:
Fucking pinhead professor!
Red doper diaper baby!
Go back to the Soviet Union!
U.S.A U.S.A.!
“if he murdered an attractive young white woman who wasn’t asking for it”
Morning Joe?
It may be “incredibly insensitive,” but it’s about the closest thing to the truth that Trump has said in the entire campaign. Years of know-nothingism has trained the GOP base to follow blindly.
It’s not only insensitive, it’s insulting to his fans/supporters. What Trump is really saying is that they are either so stupid or so amoral that their support will remain even if he commits murder. Of course, Trump, in his usual overweening egotistical way, is wrong. And it remains to be seen how much of his support remains after a barrage of negative ads aimed at him is unleashed, either by his Republican opponents or Clinton if Trump gets to the general election. How many different avenues of attack are there: his past support for Democrats and Democratic policies, his marital and sexual history, his repeated dishonesty, his lack of knowledge about issues, his racism and his appeal to white supremicist and other extremist groups, his narcissism, his series of business bankruptcies, etc.
Nothing can be said to Trump that would make any difference. Each of these outbursts must be turned on the Republican Party.
You Republicans created this.
Trump reflects what Republicans stand for.
Deny it? Then, what are you Republicans going to do about it?
Ask Reince every time.
[New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Sunday that for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to say shooting someone wouldn’t lose him votes was “incredibly insensitive.”]
If we keep talking like this some he-man like Jeb! will smother us with macho.
only if it is a person of color he was talking about.
I was thinking about how Lloyd Bentsen did a smackdown on Dan Quayle in a debate (You, sir, are no Jack Kennedy) or the whupping Joe McCarthy got on national live TV during the “red scare” of the 1950’s (“At long last, Sir, have you no shame?”). I’d like to see several of those administered to trump in rapid succession.
I worked on a cattle ranch when in my early 20’s. Cattle aren’t quite as stupid as we make 'em out to be. Close, but not quite.
If Trump gets the GOP Nomination, everything changes.
Even the MSM cannot alter COMPLETELY fact-free public discourse. I look for Trump to have a meltdown in a public setting which will make the best Tony Perkins acting jobs look like Ward Cleaver giving Wally advice.
Bet Putin could get away with saying it. And he probably did. No wonder Trump likes him.
Yes. We should be asking, on air, who are these people who would support him? Are they the new Republican Party? It’s like we’re afraid to offend this part of the electorate.
ETA:@Lacuna-Synecdoche suggests a great reply:
" I’m staying out of it, although you’d think Trump’s own supporters would take offense. I mean, he’s calling them lemmings who will do whatever he says and love him no matter what he does. You would think they’d be insulted by that. I know I would be, but … I’m not one his supporters."
That trump hasn’t melted so far is disturbing to me. He obviously attracts the weak minded. So the question becomes …how many weak minded are there? Enough to elect him? Add those who cannot bring themselves to vote for a woman or a democrat and …geesh! Is that a possibility?
And trump happily offends everyone he can.
It’s not being insensitive, it’s upping the ante.
“Show me how much you worship me!”
The thing Trump dreads most is being deemed “boring.” However, the steady stream of over the top narcissism is pretty boring now. Four years of self adulation, regardless of circumstances, would be incredibly boring.
Did De Blasio have to say it so weakly? You’re a New Yorker…don’t say “incredibly insensitive”! Call him an asshole! Your popularity will sky rocket! I promise you this!
Trump’s claim is ridiculous for a reason most seem to have missed…considering just how few living humans want to be anywhere near that stubby-fingered little carnival barker, it is logical to speculate that he’d certainly lose ONE vote, the only people willing to get close enough for him to shoot would be supporters.
If previous rallies are any indication, if Trump shot someone in NYC, it could ONLY be one of his supporters, they won’t let anyone else close enough to take the bullet.
And while this is certainly funny, it is probably also quite true.
Like I said somewhere in the past, the absurd has become our normal.
‘Incredibly Insensitive’
But oh so true with Trumpsters base… they’d love it, it would be so UGGGGGGGGGG.
Prime Time? I wouldn’t elect Trump to be city dog catcher.