Discussion: Daughter of Sandy Hook Principal Appears In Ad Supporting Pat Toomey

Well, Toomey does rate a 100% from the Christian Coalition, so it’s quite possible that that’s the least of his kinks.


How about an “A” rating from the NRA? I don’t imagine one gets those for seriously working on any sort of realistic gun control.


Agreed. But universal background checks won’t have a chance of passing until there is a democratic majority.

That’s why I’m keeping on about getting at those ‘turkeys’.

Chances are Toomey did the bill,because impedance was a no no.

Now the bill didn’t need to pass,but as long as…

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Gee, if only there were a whole party that had sensible gun control as part of its agenda.


I’d figure if he were on fire he’d be happy with any source of liquid to douse the flames…

Waste of good pee.


Allow me to re-phrase:

…for my own satisfaction, uh wait, I mean for my own pleasure…no that’s just as bad,

…is “for my own enjoyment” any better? I give up, sticking with “for my own gratification.”

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This is sort of tragic. The young woman has suffered a terribly painful and pointless loss, like all the Sandy Hook families, and she is trying to speak about an aspect of Toomey’s congressional career which she obviously appreciates, and which many here might likewise admit. But because of the party with which Toomey (a plutocratic asshole for sure) has aligned himself, this will have TWO effects undesired even by his handlers: (1) the young woman will be assaulted by gun-fetish NRA lunatics and (2) Toomey will be attacked precisely because he’s received her support.

Fuck Toomey. But sorrow for this young woman, and contempt for the NRA/GOP apocalyptic death cult.


Sometimes, you just gotta go.

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Thanks, Mike! Toomey will scuttle back to the GOP as soon as he gets re-elected, and your PAC will have wasted $400K.

And people will still die from gun violence.

Heckuva job!


What endorsement? She said he crossed party lines and was grateful for that.

She did not say she endorsed him.

She might want to do a background check on the Senator.We all applaud his firearm safety concerns but the rest of what he’s in his bag is real ugly crap. It’s an important issue with her and I don’t blame her and maybe she thinking ahead of me. Perhaps she can push the GOP, even if just an inch, in the direction of a sane position on guns if they see it an avenue to pick up support from the likes of her.

Well, yes, that is one of the potential consequences.


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Charlie, I have no idea why my reply went to you instead of PPP.

I had a reply to you worked up about “coming and going, or going and coming?”, but I decided that it might be going too far.


the best way to pass background check and any sensible gun legislation is vote the republicans out of office!!

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Bloomberg is an asshole.

I don’t why we’re so quick to trash her for her support. Its possible she was raised in the republican fold. I hope the senator is not playing upon her emotions and taking her for a ride. If he is, she’s find out soon enough.

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This young lady lost her Mom and I feel for her truly. I wish she had stayed out of the political game being played by Toomey where he gets a pass from the Republican leadership to oppose some gun rights while he is running in a moderate state for reelection. He is as right wing as they come and cares not a wit about gun control and if he had the last vote in a toss up he would go for the NRA.