Discussion for article #222315
Will somebody please subpoena this ass hat.
Subpoena via Twitter. How…erm…appropriate. And you gave away your whole gig there… @GOPoversight indeed. Nothing to do with the country…just furthering the GOP political cause.
This is a huge mistake for Issa. Please proceed you worthless piece of shit. Kerry is gonna skullfuck this asshole.
I really find it hard to fathom what Mr. Issa believes he’s going to accomplish with what increasingly simply looks like a major display of pique.
Darell plans to tell all his constiuents whose unemployment benefits have run out that Congress is doing IMPORTANT stuff to combat Obama’s ‘slave mentality.’
will someone please target this ass hat, for removal from office already? Palin style or Breitbart, face down in the gutter style works. i am sick and tired of these republican asshats.
I just know that I Am An Ass will be subpoenaing Swift Boat Truthie veterans to bolster his claims about BENGHAZI!!!
Tom Ricks addressed the idea of a fantasy rescue plan exactly one year ago today.
Issa is the perfect dupe, managing to turn every inquiry that could potentially embarrass the Obama administration into a clumsy partisan circus that manages to reflect more poorly on the Republican obsession with tarring Obama than it does on any actions by his administration.
May Day! Another GOP Worthless Subpoena Day! Darrell Issa I Am An Ignorant Jackass Day! Tomorrow is Get A Life, Darrell Day!
Make no mistake, this is all about Hillary and her run for the presidency.
All he wants to do is keep his name in the news. Bleating about an imagined coverup is all he’s got, and FOX is guaranteed to trumpet it to its gullible listeners. Mission accomplished.
That’s the obvious conclusion for any thinking person, but we are not his audience. He’s preaching to the rubes clamoring for red meat, and he keeps on tossing it. Doesn’t matter how stale or rotten.
I swear, this fuckstick spends his evenings pleasuring himself with a blow-up doll he’s named Ben Ghazi.
Two years ago, the Teabaggers had a head-on collision with reality. Time for another one./
Anyone taking bets that this “hearing” will be behind closed doors and no cameras and recording devices will be allowed in the vicinity because of the real possibility of Kerry shoving it down Car-Thief Issa’s throat and making him gag on it, and that’s not the kind of thing Issa wants spilling out on national television?
Surprised he doesn’t try to subpoena Chelsea Clinton and accuse her of getting pregnant just to divert everyone’s attention away from “BENGHAZI!!!”
Issa needs to get a life. He himself is a criminal while being another darling of the R party. Will the Repubs ever get tired of his show boating for baseless reasons other than to stir up the base and keep his name on Faux News.
Memo to Republicans re mileage of Benghazi! Not. Gonna. Happen.
Next topics on arsonist and car thief Issa’s list of crucial investigations:
(1) Why Obama planned the 9-11 attacks.
(2) Why did Hillary ignore the memo: “Muslim/Kenyan Illinois Senator Determined to strike in U.S.”
(3) Was Obama’s 9-11 attack done to divert attention from his attack on Pearl Harbor.