Discussion: Dalai Lama Cancels Events, Remains At Mayo Clinic For Evaluation

Discussion for article #241085

Wishing him the best ! —


We need his compassion. Now more than ever.

From his web site:

September 25th 2015

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is in the United States
for a medical check-up. The doctors have advised His Holiness to rest for the
next several weeks. As a result, His Holiness’ planned October U.S. visit has
been cancelled. We deeply regret the inconvenience caused by this decision and
apologize to all the people who have worked so hard in organizing the visit as
well as to the public. We thank you for your support and understanding.
The Office of His
Holiness the Dalai Lama

How many US politicians or religious leaders think of others they may possibly have inconvenienced and are so quick to apologize?


Best wishes to His Holiness the Dalai Lama.


I guess he’s trying to meet the pretty nurses. Yawn.


Nice knowing ya!

They’re surgically repairing a rectal-cranial inversion.

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Prayers for the good health of.His Holiness. I don’t think that Jesus is finished with you yet.

LOL at there being someone for supposedly secular people to fawn over as well. SPOILER ALERT, in future world they don’t hold individuals up as special based on the arbitrary choices of religious authoritarians and their pretend games.

On a human level, I wish him the best. Otherwise, he’s just a guy…sometimes to the point of embarrassment.

Hopefully he will have women nurses with attractive faces.

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Perhaps the Dalai Lama is having his head scanned for a brain tumor as a result of his embarrassing and cringe-worthy sexist comments in May:

The Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists, faces criticism from gender equality campaigners for remarking that any potential female successor to his role “must be very, very attractive.”

During a BBC interview, he said there was no reason a future dalai lama could not be a woman—but she would have to be good-looking. Otherwise, he said, she would be “not much use.”
